
Allah has a sun whose dawn was spears

لله شمس كان أولها السها

1. Allah has a sun whose dawn was spears
Darkness lined my eyelids with its light

١. للّه شمسٌ كانَ أولها السّها
كَحَلَ الظلامُ بنورها أجفاني

2. The flints sparked with a fire-stick so I chose
The barren plain after a long time

٢. جادَ الزّنادُ بِعُشْوَةٍ فتَخيّرت
قَصَرَ الجفيفةِ بعد طول زمانِ

3. Shuwwa spent the night piercing the wind that
In the evening Shalil's smoke pulled it here and there

٣. شعواءُ باتتْ تَرْمَحُ الريح التي
أمْسَتْ تجاذبها شليل دخانِ

4. As if in the air from it there was a banner
Red fluttering or a cowardly heart

٤. وكأنّما في الجوّ منها رايةٌ
حمراءُ تخفق أو فؤاد جبانِ

5. I met it from the face of a ruddy dark night
So I saw how the two moons opposed

٥. أقبلتها من وجه أدهم غُرَّةً
فأرتْك كيف تَقَابَلَ القمرانِ

6. In the shadow of the darkness that fell my eyes raced with it
That were given to the ear of my steed

٦. في ظلّ منسدل الدجى جارتْ به
عيني التي هُدِيَتْ بأذن حصاني

7. By Allah a chief describing noble riders
And delight to your eye in the confusion of my tongue

٧. للّه واصفةٌ مُعَرَّسَ سادةٍ
وهناً لعينك باضطراب لسانِ

8. They descended in the lands of wild beasts and time
Did not decrease their longing for homelands

٨. نزلوا بأوطان الوحوش وما نبا
بهمُ زمانُهُمُ عن الأوطانِ

9. Having passionate gestures with embers
That carried the bellows and eyelids

٩. خطّافة الحركات ذات مساعر
حملت جفونَ مراجلٍ وجفانِ

10. Allah made its top fire and its bottom
Embers like the ingots of blacksmiths

١٠. كالبحر أعلاها اللهيبُ وقعرها
جمرٌ كمثل سبائك العقيانِ

11. Broiling the plump ones on the shores of its intensity
Roasting the seekers like cooked meat

١١. تَشوي اللطاةَ على سواحل لجها
للطارقين شواءة اللحمانِ

12. From every poured generosity he wraps
In his right hand the flames of Yaman

١٢. من كلّ منسكب السماحة يلتظي
في كفّه اليمنى شواظُ يماني

13. And when the son of Awa took shelter he stretched
His softness so the son of Haniyy caressed him

١٣. وإذا ابن آوى مدّ ذات رُنُوِّهِ
كَحَلَتْهُ بابن حَنِيّةٍ مرنانِ

14. Using them as pillows the bosses of their coats of mail
Indeed coats of mail are the pillows of the brave

١٤. متوسّدين بها عبابَ دروعهم
إنّ الدروع وسائدُ الشُجعانِ

15. They compete in talk of every frightening battle
They had with every virgin its heat and helplessness

١٥. يتنازعونَ حديثَ كلّ كريهةٍ
بِكْرٍ تَصَالوا حرّها وعوانِ

16. They felled the giants in deadly fights with spears
And the darkness's adorers in the valleys

١٦. صرعوا الأوابدَ في الفدافد بالقنا
وخواضب الظلمان في الغيطانِ

17. Of every beast its shadow raced it
Until the racing of glances overtook it

١٧. من كلّ وحشيّ يُسابقُ ظِلَّهُ
حتى أتاه مسابقُ اللحظانِ

18. Prey, when they witnessed hunting wished for hunting
And beauty was bound to kindness through it

١٨. صِيدٌ إذا شهدوا النديّ همى الندى
فيه ونيط الحسن بالإحسانِ

19. The life of every youth in wars
Is passionate for the death of peers

١٩. من كلّ صَبٍّ بالحروبِ حياتُهُ
مشغُوفَةٌ بمنيّةِ الأقرانِ

20. In the back of every horse you'd think
It was lightning held back by the tug of reins

٢٠. في متن كلّ أقبّ تحسبُ أنّه
برقٌ يصرِّفه بوَحْي عنانِ

21. And when the battle intensified and the horsemen
Avoided its blasts with horsemen

٢١. وإذا تَضَرّمَتِ الكريهة واتقى
لفحاتِها الفرسان بالفرسانِ

22. And the wounded pulled his reins so it was as if
Coats of brocade had been stripped off him

٢٢. وثنى الجريحُ عنانه فكأنّما
خُلِعَتْ عليه معاطف النشوانِ

23. And over the skulls in the palms swords
So their saddlebags from the blows took flight

٢٣. وعلى الجماجم في الأكف صوارمٌ
ففراشها بالضرب ذو طيرانِ

24. They straightened the coats of mail with their spear shafts so it was as if
They had poured smooth water over armor

٢٤. قدّوا الدروعَ بقضبهم فكأنّما
صَبّوا بها خُلُجاً على غدرانِ

25. And they saw that from the waters dividing strokes
Whose strokes were created from fire

٢٥. وَأرَوْكَ أنّ من المياه مَناصِلاً
طُبِعَتْ مضاربها من النيرانِ