
Good fortune comes to those who persevere when faced with adversity in the horizon,

سر تحظ باليسر إن كابدت في أفق

1. Good fortune comes to those who persevere when faced with adversity in the horizon,
For he who is stung may find the antidote,

١. سِرْ تحْظَ باليُسر إن كابدت في أُفقٍ
عُسْراً فقد يجدُ الدرياقَ مَنْ لُسِعا

2. And perhaps a man's livelihood is constricted in one land,
Until he departs it, and it expands with ease.

٢. وربّما ضاقَ رزقُ المرء في بلدٍ
حتَّى إذا سارَ عَنْهُ دَرّ واتَّسعا