1. A jug that quenches the thirst of revelers
With goblets of sparkling wine intoxicating with drunkenness
١. وساقيَةٍ تَسْقي النّدَامَى بمدّها
كُؤوساً مِنَ الصَّهباءِ طاغِيَةَ السُّكرِ
2. In each cup floats as though
The spirit of the sun embraced the body of the full moon
٢. يُعَوَّمُ فيها كُلُّ جامٍ كَأَنَّما
تَضَمّنَ رُوحُ الشَّمسِ في جَسَدِ البَدرِ
3. When a bottle comes to one of us
He takes it gently in his ten fingers
٣. إِذا قَصَدتْ مِنَّا نَديماً زجاجةٌ
تَناوَلَها رِفقاً بِأَنمُلِهِ العَشرِ
4. And drinks from it a grape drunkenness
That puts to sleep wakeful eyes without him knowing
٤. فَيَشرَبُ مِنها سَكرَةً عِنَبِيَّةً
تُنَّوِمُ عَيْنَ الصَّحوِ مِنهُ وما يَدري
5. And he sends it back in its water and returns it
To the stillness of my leg upon whose rule it flows
٥. وَيُرْسِلُهَا في مائِها فيُعِيدُهَا
إِلى رَاحَتي ساقٍ على حُكمِهِ تَجري
6. We have made our hearing upon drinking wine
Melodies sung by birds without poetry
٦. جَعَلنا عَلى شُرْبِ العُقَار سَمَاعَنَا
لُحوناً تُغَنّيها الطُّيورُ بِلا شعرِ
7. And our cupbearer is water that pours without hands
And our drink is fire that illuminates without embers
٧. وساقيَنَا ماءً ينيلُ بلا يدٍ
وَمَشروبَنَا ناراً تُضيءُ بِلا جَمرِ
8. He gave us pleasures, so his reward from us
Is that we gave him to drink from the sea
٨. سَقانا مَسَرّاتٍ فَكَانَ جَزاؤهُ
عَلَيها لَدَينا أنْ سَقَيناهُ لِلبَحرِ
9. As though we on the shore of the gulf are cities
Ships of wine travel between us
٩. كَأَنَّا على شَطِّ الخَليجِ مَدائِنٌ
تُسافِرُ فيما بَينَنا سُفُنُ الخَمرِ
10. Life is but in the extremity of pleasure
And defiance of chastity in which excuse is seemly
١٠. وما العَيشُ إلّا في تَطَرُّفِ لَذَّةٍ
وَخَلْعِ عِذَارٍ فيه مُسْتَحْسَنُ العذر