1. The zeal of kingship made him a firm, honorable man
Meeting generosity with nobility in armor
١. حَمى حِمى المُلْكِ منه صارمٌ ذَكَرٌ
مُقَابل الجود بالعلياءِ في الباسِ
2. He tends to the subjects with a watchful eye
And distributes justice with a gentle, firm hand
٢. يرعى الرّعايا بعينٍ من حفيَظتِهِ
ويبسطُ العدلَ منه ليّنٌ قاسِ
3. As if Chosroes' palace by his palace
Is the stillness of Chosroes' image whilst he drinks
٣. كأنّ سَوْرَةَ كسرى عِنْد سَوْرَتِهِ
سكونُ صورةِ كسرى وهو في الكاسِ