
A lotus with circular leaves

ونيلوفر أوراقه مستديرة

1. A lotus with circular leaves
Bloomed among them, its flower

١. وَنَيْلُوفَرٍ أوْرَاقُهُ مُسْتَديرَةٌ
تَفَتّحَ فيما بينهنّ لَهُ زَهْرُ

2. As the green of the terrace interrupted it
And factors of spears with red tips

٢. كَما اعتَرَضَتْ خُضرُ التِّرَاسِ وَبَينَها
عَوامِلُ أَرماحٍ أَسِنَّتُها حُمرُ

3. It is the son of my country as estranged as my estrangement
We are both estranged from homelands, disturbed by fate

٣. هُوَ ابْنُ بِلادي كَاغتِرابي اغتِرابُهُ
كِلانا عَنِ الأَوْطانِ أَزْعَجَهُ الدَّهرُ