
The purity of youth has clarified for me what it has clarified,

صفا لي من ورد الشبيبة ما صفا

1. The purity of youth has clarified for me what it has clarified,
And my time has been generous with hopes, so it has been fair.

١. صَفَا ليَ من وِرْدِ الشبيبةِ ما صَفَا
وجادَ زماني بالأماني فأنصفا

2. The melodiousness of passion has delighted my ear
with its coquetry; I have romanced the coquettish gazelle.

٢. وشنّفَ أذْني بالهوى حُسْنُ منطقٍ
بنجواه غازلتُ الغزال المشنّفا

3. My nights were illuminated with bliss,
and my disposition was cheerful, not sullen.

٣. لياليَ كانتْ بالسرورِ منيرةً
وكان قناعي حالكاً لا مُفَوّفا

4. I drank from the progeny of clouds a lineage
that returns from the grape cluster as pure wine.

٤. وشربيَ من نَسْلِ الغمام سلالةً
تعُودُ من العنقودِ في الدنّ قرقفا

5. Aged red wine whose taste is delightful
when the water mixes with it harmoniously.

٥. مُعَتّقَةً حمراءَ ينساغُ صِرْفها
إذا الماءُ فيها بالمزاج تَصَرّفا

6. Like the water of ruby in arranged glassware
with pearls carved into it hollowly.

٦. كماءِ عقيقٍ في الزّجاجِ مُنَظّمٍ
عليه من الإزباد دُرّاً مجوّفا

7. Its light kindles in the palm of the drinking companion
but it extinguishes in his mouth when he drinks it.

٧. تَوقَّدَ في كفِّ المنادم نورها
ولكنه بالشرب في فمه انطفا

8. The one swaying of hips circulates it, perfumed
from musk with camphor on her cheek blended.

٨. تطوفُ بها مَمشوقَةُ القدّ زَرفَنَتْ
من المِسكِ في الكافور صُدْغاً مُعَطَّفَا

9. When she flirts with the lover of passion in tenderness
and articulates to him the gentle words of surrender,

٩. إذا أعرضتْ في الدّل ذلّ أخو الهوى
وصاغَ لها لفظَ الخضوع المُلطّفا

10. My vigor for amusement then diminishes in me
and the cups weigh down my palms with what suffices.

١٠. هنالك خَفّتْ بي إلى اللهو صبوَةٌ
وَثَقّلَت الكاساتُ كفّي بما كَفَى

11. It is as if I have not hunted the brilliance of meteors
or tasted the sweetness of wine from bitter lees.

١١. كأنّيَ لم أقنصْ نَوَاراً من المها
ولم أجنِ عذْبَ الرّشْفِ من مُرّة الجفا

12. I remembered the tribe and its dwellers, upon which
the wind blows noisily, wildly.

١٢. ذكرتُ الحمى والساكنيه ودونه
خِضَمّ عليه تنبري الرّيحُ حرجفا

13. And when they gathered one day among themselves
around the crescent for shade from the blazing sun,

١٣. ولمَّا أقلُّوا يوم بينهمُ على
هلال السُّرَى للشمس خدراً مسجفا

14. And she threw off her cloak from her hands and took off
some of her jewelry, gazing at it longingly,

١٤. وألْقَتْ حُلاها من يديها وعَطّلَتْ
من الحلي فيه جيدَ رئم تَشَوّفا

15. The sunburnt earth drank the dripping rainwater
and the cloven clouds bit the twigs in grief.

١٥. سقى الأقحوان الطلُّ عفّة
وعضّتْ من الحُزْنِ البنانَ المُطَرّفا

16. And when the moist pearls ran down her cheek
and flowed to the strung pearls, pausing,

١٦. ولما جرى الدرّ الرطيب بِخَدّها
وسال إلى الدر النظيم توقّفا

17. And where did it go from the bounty of a mouth
that seemed to have sipped the striking of the cup?

١٧. وأين تراهُ ذاهباً عن جنى فمٍ
كأنّ رضابَ الكأس منه ترشّفا

18. When I took youth into account with old age,
my eyes shone with tears of regret.

١٨. أما وشبابٍ بالمشيب اعتبرتُهُ
فأشْرَقْت عيني بالدّمُوع تأسّفا

19. I have wandered in the wilderness of praise, guided,
and one like me does not wander there pretentiously.

١٩. لقد سرتُ في سهب المديح هدايةً
ومثليَ فيه لا يسيرُ تعَسّفا

20. Had I been one who strings pearls, I would have strung it
and it would have been nobler and more honorable for me.

٢٠. ولو كنتُ من دُرِّ الدّراري نظمته
لكانَ عليّ منه أعلى وأشرفا

21. An angel among angels waved his banner
and steadied his steeds around him, neighing.

٢١. همامٌ من الأملاك هزّ لواءهَ
وأوضَعَ حوْلَيْهِ الجيادَ وأوجفا

22. The mention of him to the Romans is like death when he attacks
and if he fulfills an oath he sacrifices himself.

٢٢. شجىً ذكره للروم كالموت إن جرى
أخافَ وإن أوفى على النفس أتلفا

23. A tempest defending Islam stretched
its wing over it, fluttering with tongues.

٢٣. ذَبوبٌ عن الإسلام مَدّ لجيشِهِ
جناحاً عليه بالأسِنّةِ رفرفا

24. He repels the iron blade all broken
and turns back the piercing spear all shattered,

٢٤. يردّ عن الضرب الحديدَ مُثَلَّماً
ويثني عن الطّعنِ الوشيجَ مُقَصَّفا

25. When birds give him shade, their bodies
are armor it avoids the striking of the coat of mail.

٢٥. إذا ظَلّلَتْهُ الطيرُ كانت أجورها
جسوماً ثَنى عن طَعنها الزُّرْقَ رُعّفَا

26. Eagles and hawks, when they approach
flying, plugging the sky twittering.

٢٦. نسورٌ وعقبانٌ إذا هي أقبلتْ
محلِّقَةً سَدّتْ من الجوِّ نَفْنَفا

27. You would think them in his pounding a piece
of armor wandering on a sunlit face.

٢٧. وتحسبها في نقعِهِ رَقْمَ بُرْقُعٍ
يجولُ على وجهٍ من الشمس مُسْدَفا

28. His sword has protected what it has protected
of the religion's egg and cared for the deity's being.

٢٨. حمى ما حمى من بَيْضَةِ الدّين سيفُهُ
وأشفق في ذاتِ الإله وعنَّفا

29. From non-existence he has enriched and from confusion guided,
From thirst he has watered and from illness healed.

٢٩. ومن عَدَمٍ أغنى ومن حيرةٍ هدى
ومن ظمإٍ أروى ومن مرضٍ شفى

30. Noble in qualities, refined in his time,
he has refined himself in morals and manners.

٣٠. كريمُ السجايا لوذَعِيُّ زَمانِهِ
تَهَذّبَ من أخلاقه وتظرّفا

31. When an opinion shone like the sun in its light
and the brightest of opinions did not eclipse the sun but sufficed,

٣١. إذا عَنّ رأيٌ كالسها في ضيائهِ
ولم يكفِ أذكى رأيُهُ الشمس فاكتفى

32. He ascended high in the horizon and attained what he ascended to
and his arrow precisely hit what it targeted.

٣٢. سما في العلا قدراً فأدرك ما سما
إليه وأصمى سَهْمُهُ ما تهدفا

33. A handful of bounty not withholding dew
nor breaking a promise when the rain is broken.

٣٣. سكوبُ حيا الكفين لا ناضبُ النّدى
ولا مخلفٌ وعداً إذا الغيث أخلفا

34. An insight into the unseen things
as if the veil of the unseen is lifted from it.

٣٤. تريه خفيّاتِ الأمورِ بصيرةٌ
كأنّ حجابَ الغيب عنها تكشّفا

35. With the mention of Ibn Yahya our praise has perfumed time
and immortalized our mention in it, ennobling it.

٣٥. بذكْرِ ابن يحيى عَطّرَ الدهرَ مَدحُنَا
وَخَلّدَ فيه ذكرنا وتشرّفا

36. Clouds of the palm trees of generosity pour from it
upon the hands of people of all times as palms-full.

٣٦. جوادُ بنانِ البذلِ منه غمائمٌ
تَصُوبُ على أيدي بني الدّهر وُكّفا

37. Knowledgeable about the secret of war before its emergence
and clashing the swords between the two armies with the sword.

٣٧. عليم بسرّ الحرب من قبل جهرها
وقرع الصفا بين الفريقين بالصفا

38. He confronts among them defeating every learned one
who has outpoured upon him the doubled Persian verse.

٣٨. يقارع منهم حاسراً كلّ مُعْلَمٍ
أفاضَ عليه الفارسيَّ المضعفا

39. His stick to discipline the disobedient when they rebel,
a fiery sword that strikes resolve and cleaves it open.

٣٩. عصاهُ لتأديبِ العُصاةِ إِذا بَغَوْا
غِرَارُ حسامٍ يَقْرَعُ الهامَ مرهفا

40. Yet firmly rooted in patience, though appearing enraged
when patience strays from those firm of resolve or declines.

٤٠. على أنّه راسي الأناة مُخَدَّعٌ
إذا زاغ حلم عن ذوي الحزم أو هفا

41. O people of war! His breasts have suckled you,
so the diverging legs among you are united.

٤١. بنو الحرب أنتُم أَرضعَتكُم ثديّها
فمفترق الأقدام فيكم تألّفا

42. When the thrusts of the brave appear and their strikes
like dots and shapes from him letters are rendered illegible.

٤٢. إذا ما بدا طعْنُ الكماةِ وضربهم
كنَقْطٍ وشكلٍ منه أعجمت أحرفا

43. To you belong the steeds running night from every dark,
their bellies appear detached from the intensity of galloping.

٤٣. لك الخيلُ تسري الليلَ من كل سلهبٍ
ترى بطنه من شدة الركض مُخْطَفا

44. He has a pen in the ear you would think
was tailored in the army for signing with your support.

٤٤. له قلم في الأذن تحسَبُ أنه
بِنَصرك للتوقيع في الجيش حُرِّفا

45. If they trod the summits of mountains, he would blast them away
and leave them as a plain visible to your eyes wide open.

٤٥. إذا وطئت شمَّ الجبال نَسَفْنَها
وغادَرنَها قاعاً لعينيك صفصفا

46. O ruler of the era whom justice has shaded
over religion and life - from it emanated what emanated.

٤٦. فيا ملكَ العصر الذي ظلّ عدله
على الدين والدنيا صفا منه ما صفا

47. Your generosity has freely composed for the destitute
while others artificially composed theirs.

٤٧. نداك بطبعٍ للعفاةِ ارتَجَلْتَهُ
وغيرك رَوّى في نداه تَكَلُّفَا

48. And how many wretched poor you have connected
who then became wealthy, dragging his tail in luxury!

٤٨. وكم من فقير بائس قد وصلته
فأضحى غنيّاً يسحب الذيل مترفا

49. For your praise every idea of a poet
has become a strange classification composed by him.

٤٩. لمدحك أضحت كلّ فكرةِ شاعرٍ
مصنّفةً منه غريباً مصنفا

50. And if I am absent from the assembly of the eminent
then for me is praise like the scent of musk conferred nobility.

٥٠. وإن كنتُ عن حَفْلِ العُلى غائباً فلي
ثناءٌ كعَرْفِ المسكِ بالفضل عَرّفَا