
I complain to God of what I have suffered from chronic

أشكو إلى الله ما قاسيت من رمد

1. I complain to God of what I have suffered from chronic
conjunctivitis, prolonging the pain of my wakefulness at dawn,

١. أشكو إلى اللَّه ما قاسيتُ من رَمَدٍ
مواصلٍ كَرْبَ آصالي بأسْحَاري

2. As if the lining of my eyelids at their edges
Were an army of ants marching in the wings of night,

٢. كأنّ حَشْوَ جفوني عند سَوْرَتِهِ
جيشٌ منَ النَّملِ في جُنحِ الدُّجى ساري

3. As if the grit and tears in the muddy hollows
Were legs plucked from them, injuring me,

٣. كأنّه للقَذَى والدمعِ في وَحِلٍ
فَخَلْعُهُ أَرجُلاً مِنهُ بِإِضرارِ

4. As if the pains of my heart from being stabbed
With thorns between my lashes and my lashes

٤. كَأَنَّ أَوجاعَ قَلبي من مُطاعَنَةٍ
بِالشَّوكِ ما بَينَ أَشفاري وأَشفاري

5. Were a swelling in the eye overflowing
With its shores casting sparks upon my lids,

٥. كَأَنَّما لُجَّةٌ في العَينِ زاخِرةٌ
تَرمي سَواحِلَ جَفنَيها بِعُوّارِ

6. Gushing water from them each time a slumber
Laid upon them a fire upon fire,

٦. تُفَجِّرُ الماءَ مِنها كُلَّما وَضَعَتْ
لِهَجعَةٍ مِنهُما ناراً على نارِ

7. How many a night have I spent yellow from the misery of it
And from imagining a dawn of journeys,

٧. كم ليلةٍ بتُّ صفراً من كرايَ بها
ومن مَخيلةِ صُبْحٍ ذاتِ إسفارِ

8. While my eyelids kept the sleep of my little son Qasim
Who wet-nurses nourished with just enough milk

٨. إذ باتَ جفني رضيعَ ابني يقاسمُهُ
لُبانَ أسحَمَ يَغذوهُ بِمِقدارِ

9. In a circle of darkness where no edge can be seen
In which gleams from the teeth of dawn appear,

٩. في حَلْقَةٍ مِن ظَلامٍ لا تَرى طَرَفاً
يَبدو بها من سَنا صُبْحٍ لأَبصارِ

10. As if the east were an unjust man who saw wrong
In paying them camphor dissolved in saliva,

١٠. كَأَنَّما الشَّرقُ دِهْقَانٌ يَرى غَبناً
في دَفعِهِ مِنهُما الكافورَ بِالقارِ

11. As if the sun had been returned to a circuit
Above people steady, not revolving,

١١. كَأَنَّما الشَّمسُ قد رُدَّتْ إلى فَلَكٍ
على الخلائقِ ثَبْتٍ غيرِ دَوّارِ

12. As if the night were ignorant and so did not see
In the coin of the moon any taking of its dinar.

١٢. كَأَنَّما اللَّيلُ ذو جَهلٍ فَلَيسَ يَرَى
في دِرهَمِ البَدْرِ مِنها أَخْذَ دينارِ

13. My eyelid complains to my eyelid like its own
Affliction, as harm is shared between neighbor and neighbor.

١٣. يشكو لجفنيَ جفني مثلَ عِلّتِهِ
كَالضَّيمِ يُقْسَمُ بينَ الجارِ والجارِ

14. So praise be to God, the course of light from darkness,
And maker of the night with soothing stones.

١٤. فالحَمدُ للَّه مَجرى النورِ من غَسَقٍ
وجاعلِ اللَّيلِ في تَلطيفِ أَحجارِ

15. How far people were in a matter their conjectures
Brought near, while my malady was near cure by the Creator!

١٥. كَم أبعدَ النَّاسُ في أَمرٍ ظنونَهُمُ
فكان دائي قريبَ البُرْءِ بالباري