
More beautiful than the grudging gazelles is my beauty,

أجمل على بخل الغواني وإجمال

1. More beautiful than the grudging gazelles is my beauty,
I took good omens from a name unprosperous in divination,

١. أجمْلٌ على بُخْلِ الغواني وإجمالُ
تفاءلتُ باسمٍ لا يصحّ به الفالُ

2. And I adorned myself with idle fancies in love,
A soul adorned with idle fancies is ever unfortunate.

٢. وحَلّيْتُ نفسي بالأباطيلِ في الهوَى
ونفسٌ تُحَلّى بالأباطيل مِعْطالُ

3. I was like a hunter in a waterless waste,
The water there had sunk away and the cattle departed.

٣. وكنتُ كصادٍ خالَ رِيّاً بقفرةٍ
وقد غيضَ فيها الماءُ واطّرَد الآلُ

4. Shall I complain to you of the heat of passion
When the water of life is on your cheek copiously flowing?

٤. أيَشْكو بِحَرِّ الشوقِ مِنكَ الصّدى فَمٌ
وَماءُ المآقي فَوقَ خَدِّكَ هَطّالُ

5. Your eye plants temptation in my heart,
And emotion found by the conscience in ardour.

٥. وَتَغْرِسُ مِنكَ العينُ في القلبِ فتنةً
وَوَجْدٌ جَناها بِالضميرِ وبلبالُ

6. There must be some wish that beguiles love
That we may attain our hopes by making excuses.

٦. وَلا بُدَّ مِن أمنيَّةٍ تَخدَعُ الهوى
لِتُدْرَكَ منها بالتعلّلِ آمالُ

7. So represent to your eye the thickets and perhaps
Some image of your beloved may visit you among them,

٧. فَمَثِّلْ لِعَينَيكَ الكرى فَعَسى الكرى
يزورُكَ فيه من حَبيبِكِ تِمثالُ

8. And ask the soft breeze for acceptance that so it
May show kindness and favour to one averse.

٨. وَسَلْ أَرَجَ الريحِ القبولَ لَعَلَّهُ
لِمعرِضَةٍ عَطْفٌ عَلَيكَ وَإِقبالُ

9. And if you have not gained the success of lovers in love,
You have attained some of the largesse of youth such as they attained.

٩. وَإِن لم تَفُزْ فوزَ المُحِبِّينَ بِالهَوى
فقد نِلْتَ من بَرْحِ الصّبابةِ ما نالوا

10. A night whose darkness frightened the gazers,
As though it gloomily resented the terrors of dawn,

١٠. وليلٍ حكى للناظرين ظَلامُهُ
ظَليماً له من رَوْعَةِ الصبحِ إِجفالُ

11. As though it had a garment on the horizon with skirts
Trailed over the earth beneath.

١١. كَأَنَّ لَهُ ثَوباً عَلى الأفقِ جَيبُه
وقد سُحِبَتْ مِنهُ على الأَرضِ أَذيالُ

12. I wondered at a mass of darkness with fireflies flashing-
Flashes of the dawn-breath scattering and streaming down.

١٢. عَجِبتُ لِطَودٍ مِن دُجاهُ تَهيلُهُ
لَطائفُ أَنفاسِ الصباحِ فَيَنهالُ

13. On either side of me the meadows had spread
Wastes covered over for me with brushwood and late grass.

١٣. وقد نَشَرَتْ في جانبيه ليَ النّوى
قِفاراً طَواها بي طِمِرٌّ وَشملالُ

14. Without the guarded pastures are lives freely squandered
You see in them the ardour of heroes.

١٤. وَدونَ مَصُوناتِ المَها بَذلُ أَنفُسٍ
تُريكَ ولوعَ البيضِ فيهِنَّ أبطالُ

15. And in the dark places prowling she-wolves
To whom death is given to drink from the spotted bowl.

١٥. وَفي مُضمَرِ الظلماءِ كالِئُ ظَبيَةٍ
بِثَعلَبةٍ يُسقى بها المَوتَ رِئبالُ

16. A warrior challenging the names of the valiant,
To make exploits among them with the bright sword.

١٦. فصيحٌ بأسماءِ الكماةِ مبارزاً
لِتُعْملَ فيها بالمهنَّدِ أَفعالُ

17. O remote nearness, where my journeying to you avails naught,
My pressing onwards is to no purpose.

١٧. فيا بُعْدَ قُرْبٍ لم يبتْ فيه نافعاً
بسيرك بالبزلِ الرّواسمِ إيغالُ

18. O, by the life of her who has about her anklets
By the pool a heart and tinkling ornaments,

١٨. وَيا بِأَبي مَن لَم يَزَلْ مِن حُلِيِّها
لَدى الغيدِ غَرثانانِ قَلبٌ وَخلخالُ

19. A girl who heals my sickness at all times
With the health of eyelids that pay it no respect,

١٩. فَتاةٌ تداوي كلَّ حين بِصحَّتي
سقامَ جفونٍ ما لها منه إبلالُ

20. A pampered one intoxicated with saliva of lips
Sweet to the touch, and on the cheek flowing tresses,

٢٠. منعَّمةٌ سَكْرَى بصهباءِ ريقةٍ
لها في اللمى طعمٌ وفي الخدّ جريالُ

21. I looked at her a look by which she knew
A hint of the ardour of my passion.

٢١. نَظرتُ إِلَيها نَظرَةً عَرَفَتْ بِها
إشارةَ لحظٍ بالصبابةِ عُذّالُ

22. Then they said, "Her cheek grew red and the inspiration of her eye,"
And I said, "By my life, the rose opens in bashfulness."

٢٢. فَقَالوا لَأدْمَى خَدَّها وَحْيُ طَرْفِهِ
فَقُلتُ لَعَمري فَتَّحَ الوردَ إِخجالُ

23. So they went aside, saying, "A garden that belied their fancies,
O the truth of what they said!"

٢٣. فَلَجُّوا وقَالوا جَنَّةٌ كَذَّبَتْ بِها
ظنونٌ ظنَنّاها ويا صِدْقَ ما قالوا

24. Daughter of the generous man, is there any generosity
To raise up my abased condition with you?

٢٤. أَبِنتَ كريمِ الحيِّ هل من كرامةٍ
تُرَفّعُ مَخفوضاً بِهِ عِندكِ الحالُ

25. You rose light-heartedly to abandon intimacy,
While you are gentleness itself in character.

٢٥. نَهَضتِ إِلى هَجْرِ الوصالِ نَشيطَةً
وَأَنتِ أَناةٌ في النواعِمِ مِكْسالُ

26. I see the eyes are twins in nature to your eyes,
So that deaths throng about you for their sake.

٢٦. أَرى العِينَ مِن عَينَيكِ جانَسْنَ خِلْقةً
فَمِن أَجلِها حَوليكِ تَرتَعُ آجالُ

27. Why then are you averse from us
When in creation we are free from fault in your form?

٢٧. فَما لكِ عنّا تَنفُرينَ نِفَارَهَا
أَفي الخَلْقِ مِنَّا عِندَ شَكلِك إِشكالُ

28. When shall we enjoy the fulfilling of a tryst
When your actions are niggardly and your words lavish?

٢٨. متى نَتَلَقّى منكِ إنجازَ مَوْعِدٍ
وفِعلُكِ ذو بُخلٍ وقَولُكِ مِفضالُ

29. In you are the coquetries of one proud and disdainful
By which the pride even of Amr son of Kulthum might be abased.

٢٩. وفيكِ الرُّوَّاضِ إدلالُ صعبةٍ
ينالُ بها عزَّ امرئ القيس إذلالُ

30. And one who swears to kiss your mouth believing
That she who contains the covenant is surely fortunate.

٣٠. ويُقْسمُ للتقبيلِ فوكِ مُصَدَّقاً
بِأَنَّ الَّتي تَحوي القَسيمَةَ مِتْفَالُ

31. Were my spirit withdrawn from my veins it would be restored
By a draught from your trailing tresses.

٣١. وَلَو سُلَّ روحي مِن عُروقي لَرَدَّهُ
إِلَيَّ رُضابٌ مِن ثَناياكِ سِلسالُ

32. I see your halting is fixed for you now on the high ground,
But you have a girdle flowing over your waist.

٣٢. أَرى الوَقْفَ أضحى مِنكِ في الزندِ ثابِتاً
وَلَكِنْ وِشاحٌ منك في الخَصرِ جَوّالُ

33. You are like fresh water which gives life, but sometimes
Becomes in the morning a death-draught from the tank.

٣٣. وَأَنتِ كَعَذبِ الماءِ يُحْيي وَرُبَّما
غدا شَرَقٌ مِن شربه وهوَ قَتّالُ

34. Can treachery and guile be trusted in love
When your glance is deadly and your charm deceitful?

٣٤. أَيُؤمَن مِنك الحَتفُ وَالكَيدُ في الهَوى
وطرفُكِ مُغْتالٌ وعِطْفُك مُخْتالُ

35. Self-admiration has made you a prisoner since you put on
As shoes for others the beauty you wear.

٣٥. حبيسٌ عليكِ العُجْبُ إذْ ما لبستِهِ
مِنَ الحُسْنِ نَعلاً عند غَيركِ سِربالُ

36. Wearing the shade of darkness yet glancing
With tresses which make ornaments in necklaces.

٣٦. وَلابِسةٍ ظِلَّيْ دُجاها وَأَيْكِها
وللسجع منها في القلائد أَعمالُ

37. Gardens took it upon themselves to provide her with luxury in the valley
Like the leather bag of the perfumer and aromatic roots.

٣٧. تَكَفّلَ في الوادي لها بنعيمها
رياضٌ كوَشيِ العبقريّ وأوشالُ

38. The warbler's singing was silenced in it and swayed dancing
At every harmonious note from the birds and bending branches.

٣٨. شَدَت فانثَنى رَقصاً بكلِّ سَميعةٍ
مِنَ الطيرِ مُهتزٌّ مِنَ القضب ميَّالُ

39. Are there then no learned ones in the valleys, fair singer,
To whom the twitterings speak plain meaning?

٣٩. فهل علماءٌ في الشوادي مصيخةٌ
إليهنّ خُرْسٌ بالتّرنّم جُهّالُ

40. Neither did Roseleaf know sorrow in her eyes
Nor Bulbul‚ grief in her song.

٤٠. فورقاءُ لم تأرقْ بحزنٍ جفونُها
وبلبلةٌ لم يدرِ منها الأسى بالُ

41. You reminded me of the springtime of youth now passed,
My ample garments trailing in luxury then.

٤١. وَأَذكَرتِني عَصْرَ الشبابِ الذي مضى
لِبرديَ فيه بالتَّنَعُّمِ إِسبالُ

42. And the life of ease when my aspiration was frozen
By it, while in the flask the wine flowed free.

٤٢. ونضرةَ عيشٍ كان همّيَ جامداً
بِهِ حَيثُ تَبري في الزجاجَةِ سَيّالُ

43. The abode from whose protection we departed
Yet our resolves to it are padlocked.

٤٣. وَدارٍ غَدَونا عَن حِماها وَلَم نَرُحْ
وَنَحنُ إِلَيها بِالعَزائِمِ قُفّالُ

44. In it I was a child in the wantonness of my teens
Playing with the days of youth which were children.

٤٤. بها كنتُ طفلاً في ترعرع شِرّتي
أُلاعبُ أيّام الصّبا وهي أطفالُ

45. My black locks clothed me in whiteness of side curls
So that their absence now leaves disorder among the curls.

٤٥. كستني الخطوبُ السودُ بيضَ ذوائبٍ
ففي خلّتي منها لدى البيض إخلالُ

46. After the loves of passion I break the string
And from their desolation comes to me elation and joy.

٤٦. أبعد أنسياتِ الهوى أقطعُ الفلا
ويسنحُ لي منْ وحشها الجأبُ والرّالُ

47. And after roses in my bed and lilies
I repose with the acacia and gum-plants clothing me.

٤٧. وَمِن بَعدِ وَردٍ في مقيلي وَسَوْسَنٍ
أقيلُ ومشمومي بها الطّلْحُ والضالُ

48. I turn aside from every undertaking
Into which the water has conducted the smooth pebble.

٤٨. أُخالفُ كُورَ الحرفِ من كلّ مهمهٍ
تَوَارَدَ فيه الماءَ أطْلَسُ عَسّالُ

49. It has in the fire of the eye a flame which if
Quenched, rekindles the fire of the sun.

٤٩. له في حِجاجِ العين ناريّةٌ لها
إذا طُفِئَتْ ناريّةُ الشَّمسِ إِشعالُ

50. And a guide who by hint of thin lips
Points to what darkness of desolation lies beyond.

٥٠. وَيَهديهِ هادٍ مِن دَلالَةِ مَعْطِسٍ
إلى ما عليه من ظلامِ الفلا خالُ

51. When he comes in the wings of night to his love
A swarthy archer ambushes him in the rainbow.

٥١. إِذا جاءَ في جنح الدجى نحو غيله
تَصَدّى له في القوس أسمَرُ مُغْتالُ

52. Birds fly against him with steel and wood
Light burdens of death in their fluttering feathers.

٥٢. تطيرُ معَ الفولاذِ والعُودِ نحوَهُ
مِنَ الموتِ في الريشِ الخفائِفِ أثقالُ

53. I have a resolve that cannot be daunted
Were the mold also to forge it on blades.

٥٣. وَلي عَزْمَةٌ لا يَطْبَعُ القَيْنُ مثلَها
وَلَو أَنَّهُ في الغمدِ لِلهامِ فَصّالُ

54. And a purpose which failure spends the night remote from
And an opinion which when faced with problems solves them.

٥٤. وَحَزمٌ يَبيتُ العَجزُ عَنهُ بمعزلٍ
ورأيٌ به في اللبس يُرْفَعُ إشكالُ

55. I make the lightnings of the noble keys
To a care that has on it for penetration locks.

٥٥. أُصَيِّرُ أَخفافَ النجيب مفاتحاً
لِهَمٍّ عليه للتنائف أقْفالُ

56. I ride when there is no land but all is a seething
Of water, swimming on it effortless.

٥٦. وَأَركَبُ إِذ لا أَرض إلّا غُطامِطٌ
مطيّةَ ماءٍ سَبْحُها فيه إرقالُ

57. A dove of the valley, unknown to it
Is any song but the cooings told of by Mutanabbi.

٥٧. حمامةَ أيْكٍ ما لها فوق غُصْنها
غِناءٌ له عند المعرِّيّ إِعوالُ

58. And I swear by my thought that was concerned with none
Save you, though the place where are the cattle stands far off.

٥٨. وأُقسمُ ما هوّمتُ إلّا وَزَارَني
عَلَى بُعْدِهِ الوادي الَّذي عِندَهُ الآلُ

59. By a land whose plants are champions
When the fates rage among the heroes if they meet.

٥٩. بِأَرضٍ نَباتُ العزِّ فيها فَوارِسٌ
تَصولُ المنايا في الحروبِ إِذا صَالوا

60. Their awe scorches them and their faces
Guide the paths when night quenches the stars,

٦٠. تُظِلُّهمْ والرَوعُ يشوي أُوارهُ
ذوابلُ فيها للأسنّة ذُبّالُ

61. From each tent in the meadow comes the noise of it
If anytime a deed or word of gloryissue.

٦١. إذا أطفأ الدجنُ الكواكبَ أسرجوا
وجوهاً بها تُهْدَى المسالكَ ضُلّالُ

62. A hero who hunts the horn as though
When the spear invests it, it is a crested serpent,

٦٢. فَمِن كُلِّ قَرْمٍ في الندِيِّ هَديرُهُ
إِذا ما احتَبى قيلٌ مِنَ المجدِ أَو قالُ

63. Marked with white and black loins they swelled
Over them from the weaving of ostriches yashmaks,

٦٣. شُجاعٌ يَصيدُ القِرْنَ حَتَّى كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا ما كَساهُ الرمحُ أحقبُ ذَيّالُ

64. Their battle ardour on the day of strife and their skill
Their horsemen among them lions and cubs.

٦٤. وَمَوسومَةٌ بالبِيضِ وَالسمرِ هُلْهِلَتْ
عَلَيهِنَّ من نَسْجِ العجاجاتِ أجلالُ

65. Ah, excellent indeed that abode and its households
And excellent indeed some of its rules and ruins,

٦٥. فَقُرّحُهَا يوْمَ الوغى وَمِهَارُهَا
فوارسُها منهم ليوثٌ وأشبالُ

66. And excellent indeed the inhaling of a breeze
Morning winds convey to us and evening zephyrs,

٦٦. أَلا حَبّذا تِلكَ الدِّيارُ أواهلاً
ويا حبّذا منها رُسومٌ وأَطلالُ

67. And excellent indeed the living among them, excellent
Indeed the joints of them in the graves and limbs,

٦٧. وَيا حَبّذا مِنها تَنَسُّمُ نَفحَةٍ
تُؤَدّيهِ أَسحارٌ إِلَينا وَآصالُ

68. And excellent indeed what lies between them of a sleep
Whose terrors awaken me to the Resurrection,

٦٨. وَيا حَبّذا الأحياءُ مِنهُم وَحَبَّذا
مفاصلُ منهم في القبور وأوْصَالُ