1. How much do you make time hear your reproaches,
Addressing it though it knows not your address?
ูก. ุฃูุง ูู
ู ุชูุณูู
ูุนู ุงูุฒู
ู ุงูุนุชุงุจุง
ุชุฎุงุทุจููู ููุง ูุฏุฑู ุงูุฎุทุงุจุง
2. Do you hope it will show you any kindness,
Letting your youth last as long as you live?
ูข. ุฃุชุทู
ุนู ุฃู ูุฑุฏู ุนููู ุฅููุงู
ูููุจููู ู
ุง ุญููุชู ูู ุงูุดุจุงุจุง
3. Have you not seen it make new things old
And leave the people of this world confused?
ูฃ. ุฃูู
ุชูุฑู ุตุฑูู ููุจูู ุฌุฏูุฏุงู
ููุชุฑูู ุขููู ุงูุฏููููุง ููุจุงุจุง
4. If longing for the past makes you ill,
Your cure lies in intentions covering the trail.
ูค. ูุฅู ูุงู ุงูุซูุงุกู ุนููู ุฏุงุกู
ูุจุฑุคู ูู ูููู ุชูู
ุทู ุงูุฑูุงุจุง
5. Your concerns are a watcher's, expecting things
That roam strangely, causing alienation.
ูฅ. ููู
ููู ูู
ู ู
ุฑุชููุจู ุฃู
ุชุณูุญู ุนูู ุบุฑุงุฆุจูุง ุงุบุชุฑุงุจุง
6. And if the brother of adversity disliked me,
Like the fright of a bird startled awake,
ูฆ. ูุฅู ุฃุฎุง ุงูุญุฒุงู
ุฉู ู
ูู ููุฑุงูู
ููุญูุณููู ู
ูุฑูููุนู ุงูุทูุฑู ุงูุซููุบุงุจุง
7. A lad seeking eggs on the plain
And asking the crashing waves, not the clouds, for rain,
ูง. ูุชูู ูุณุชุทุนู
ู ุงูุจูุถู ุงูู
ููุณุชุณูู ุงูููุงุฐู
ู ูุง ุงูุณุญุงุจุง
8. Then in lofty deeds show wisdom and resolution
If you intend thereby to do right,
ูจ. ูุตุฑูููู ูู ุงูุนููู ุงูุฃูุนุงูู ุญุฒู
ูุง ุฅู ูุญููุชู ุจูุง ุงูุตููุงุจุง
9. And in the matter of incitement be a fire
That blazes more with the windโs breath.
ูฉ. ููู ูู ุฌุงูุจู ุงูุชุญุฑูุถ ูุงุฑุงู
ุชุฒูุฏู ุจููุญุฉู ุงูุฑููุญู ุงูุชูุงุจุง
10. The straight blade was not polished
Save to direct its edge at necks.
ูกู . ููู
ููู ุงูุญุณุงู
ู ุงููููู ุฅููุง
ููุตุฑูู ุนูุฏ ุณูููุชูู ุงูุฑููุงุจุง
11. Do not long for misery you think
To be a mirage whose pools are sweet.
ูกูก. ููุง ุชุฑูุบุจู ุจููุณู ุนู ููุงุฉู
ุชุฎุงูู ุณูุฑูุงุจู ูููุนูุชูุง ุดูุฑุงุจุง
12. How much dominion is won by courting ruin,
So fear leaves you no confusion?
ูกูข. ููู
ููููู ูููุงู ุจุฎููุถ ูููููู
ููุง ููุจูููู
ู ุนููู ุงูุฎููู ุจุงุจุง
13. I stopped, filled with doubt,
As the astute may stop when doubtful,
ูกูฃ. ูููุชู ู
ู ุงูุชูุงูุถู ู
ููุฏ ูููู ุงููุจูุจู ุฅุฐุง ุงุณุชุฑุงุจุง
14. As if timeโs kindness were harm
So it rewards no deed.
ูกูค. ูุฃูู ุงูุฏูุฑู ู
ุญูุณูููู ู
ุง ููุฌูุฒู ุนูู ุนู
ูู ุซูุงุจุง
15. Had time firmly grasped me,
That would be, by its nature, wondrous.
ูกูฅ. ููู ุฃุฎุฐู ุงูุฒูู
ุงู ุจููู ุญุฑู
ููุงู ุจุทุจุนููู ุฃู
ูุฑุงู ุนูุฌุงุจุง
16. Drinking wine saddens me
And joy leaves my heart depressed.
ูกูฆ. ููุฌูุฑู ุนููู ุดุฑูุจู ุงูุฑุงุญู ูู
ูููุฑุซู ููุจูู ุงูุดุฏูู ุงูุชุฆุงุจุง
17. In timeโs nature is a tendency to disappointment
That makes bitterness pass through my mouth.
ูกูง. ููู ุฎููููู ุงูุฒูู
ุงู ุทุจุงุนู ุฎููููู
ุฑููุฑู ูู ูู
ู ุงููููุบูุจู ุงูุนุฐุงุจุง
18. After my people lasted, I was changed
To wolves, not comrades, among companions.
ูกูจ. ููุฏ ุจูุฏูููุชู ุจุนุฏ ุณูุฑูุงุฉู ููู
ุฐุฆุงุจุงู ูู ุงูุตูุญุงุจุฉู ูุง ุตุญุงุจุง
19. I have befriended one who opposes me,
Finding no comrades but books.
ูกูฉ. ูุฃูููุชู ุงูุฌููุณู ุนูู ุฎูุงูู
ููุณูุชู ู
ุฌุงููุณุงู ุฅููุง ููุชุงุจูุง
20. The lonely ostrich, lacking a friend
When time treats you harshly, is not deprived.
ูขู . ูู
ุง ุงูุนููุงุกู ุฃุนูุฒู ู
ู ุตุฏููู
ุฅุฐุง ุฎูุจูุซู ุงูุฒู
ุงูู ุนููู ุทุงุจุง
21. I have not felt the world to be confined
Save when I make its breadth narrow with my character.
ูขูก. ูู
ุง ุถุงูุชู ุนูููู ุงูุฃุฑุถู ุฅููุง
ุฏูุญูููุชู ู
ูุงูููุง ุฎููููุงู ุฑุญุงุจุง
22. I will wander the deserts with smooth-gaited camels
Whose trotting sets their saddlebags swaying,
ูขูข. ุณุฃุนุชุณููู ุงูููุงุฑู ุจูู
ุชุฌุงูุฒูู ุณุจุงุณูุจููุง ุงูุชูุงุจุง
23. Seeming, so quick are their forelegs, to speak
With hastening fingers that have seized accounts.
ูขูฃ. ุชุฎุงูู ุญุฏูุซ ุฃูุฏููุง ุณุฑุงุนุงู
ุญุซูุซู ุฃูุงู
ูู ููุทุช ุญุณุงุจุง
24. They suppose their leader to be a carcass
Whose bridle they think an insect.
ูขูค. ูุชุญุณุจู ุฎุงููู ุงููุงุฏู ูุฌููุงู
ูุธูู ุฒู
ู ู
ู ุญูุจุงุจุง
25. I travel by night beneath a star of my spear
When one star sets, another rises.
ูขูฅ. ููุฃูุณุฑู ุชูุญุชู ููุฌู
ู ู
ู ุณูุงูู
ุฅูุฐุง ููุฌู
ู ุนูู ุงูุฃูุจุตุงุฑู ุบุงุจุง
26. The dead man seeking glory
Is like one who attains it and then dies.
ูขูฆ. ูุฅูู ุงูู
ูููุชู ูู ุณูุฑู ุงูู
ู ูุงูู ุงูู
ููู ู
ููุง ูุขุจุง
27. I am helped against calamities by a staff
Whose pounding makes the roughest ground smooth,
ูขูง. ููููุฌุฏูู ุนูู ุงูุญุฏุซุงู ุนุถูุจู
ููุฐูู ูุฑุนู ุงููููุจู ุงูุตุนุงุจุง
28. A right hand, whenever I rain blows with it
On the temples of an opposing sword, pours them forth,
ูขูจ. ูู
ุงูู ููู
ุง ุงุณุชู
ุทุฑูุชู ุตููุจุงู
ุจู ู
ู ุนุงุฑุถ ุงูู
ููุฌุงุช ุตุงุจุง
29. As if on it the fire of the blade were kindled
And were it not for its wet luster, it would melt,
ูขูฉ. ูุฃู ุนููู ูุงุฑู ุงููููู ุชูุฐูู
ููููุง ู
ุงุกู ุฑููููููููู ููุฐุงุจุง
30. As if the sunโs ray were in it,
Though sometimes it is clouded by mist,
ูฃู . ูุฃูู ุดูุนุงุนู ุนููู ุงูุดู
ุณู ููู
ูุฅู ูุงู ุงูููุฑูููุฏู ุจู ุถูุจุงุจุง
31. As if time had turned it gray long ago
Yet its sapwood is still dyed.
ูฃูก. ูุฃูู ุงูุฏููููุฑู ุดูููุจููู ูุฏูู
ุง ุฒุงู ุงููุฌูุนู ููู ุฎุถุงุจุง
32. Its insect seems to be buzzing at dawn,
Stirring when I strike necks with it.
ูฃูข. ูุฃูู ุฐูุจุงุจููู ุดุงุฏู ุตูุจูุญู
ูุญุฑููู ุฅู ุถุฑุจุชู ุจู ุฑูุงุจุง
33. We used to be honored in our homelands,
Our selves disdaining injustice and refusing it.
ูฃูฃ. ููููุง ูู ู
ูุงุทููููุง ูุฑุงู
ุชุนุงูู ุงูุถูู
ู ุฃููุณููุง ูุชุงุจู
34. We rise in our horizons like stars,
Each reckoned by the demons a shooting star.
ูฃูค. ููุทูุน ูู ู
ุทุงูุนูุง ูุฌูู
ุชุนุฏู ูููู ุดูุทุงู ุดูุงุจุง
35. We endured misfortunes with varying fates,
When the newborn was cast among them, a youth.
ูฃูฅ. ุตุจุฑูุง ููุฎุทูุจ ุนูู ุตูุฑููู
ุฅุฐุง ุฑูู
ููู ุงููููุฏู ุจููู ุดุงุจุง
36. We surrendered only our lives
And accounts we honor with acceptance.
ูฃูฆ. ููู
ู ููุง ุฅูุง ูููุณู
ูุฃุญุณุงุจู ููููุฑูู
ูุงู ุงุญุชุณุงุจุง
37. The stars are not exempt from setting
But dust does not deliver their news.
ูฃูง. ููู
ุชุฎููู ุงูููุงูุจู ู
ู ุณููุทู
ูููู ูุง ููุจูููุบููุง ุงูุชุฑุงุจุง