
You possess the kingdom and the sword that paved the way to kingship

لك الملك والسيف الذي مهد الملكا

1. You possess the kingdom and the sword that paved the way to kingship
With it, Islam prevailed and polytheism was demolished

١. لَكَ الملكُ وَالسيفُ الَّذي مَهّدَ الملكا
وَصالَ بِهِ الإِسلامُ فاهتَضَم الشركا

2. You have humbled kings and fathers as if
Their pride for the ears was musk ready to be unraveled

٢. تقيَّلتَ آباءً ملوكاً كأنّما
يُفَتَّقُ للأسماعِ فخرهمُ مسكا

3. And every honorable one, foremost in courage
For him is the empty blow and the piercing stab

٣. وَكُلُّ عَريقٍ في الشجاعَةِ مقدمٌ
له الضربةُ الفرغاءُ والطعنةُ السُّلكى

4. When he aims the land of enemies with a fierce throw
Upon it the starry sky of spears, he left it flattened

٤. إِذا ما رَمى أَرضَ العدى بِعَرَمرَمٍ
عِلَيهِ سَماءُ النَّقعِ غَادَرها دَكّا

5. And from the essence of cowardice tied to their ignorance
A purified gem through the fire of turmoil minted

٥. وَمِن عَرَضِ الجبنِ المَنوطِ بِغُمرِهمْ
صَفا جَوهَرٌ مِنهُم بِنارِ الوغى سَبكا

6. You built with the demolition of wealth a glorious sanctuary
To its pilgrimage we bid the ships and vessels

٦. بَنَيتَ بِهَدمِ المالِ كَعبَةَ ماجِدٍ
إلى حجها نُزْجي القلائصَ والفلكا

7. So O son of Tameem, yours is the pride
With a minaret that appears atop the highest summit

٧. فَيا ابنَ تَميمٍ ذا الفخارِ الَّذي لَهُ
منارٌ تَرَى فوْقَ السماكِ له سَمْكا

8. The highest speak of it, and just as they speak of it
They speak of you in the same manner

٨. تُحَدِّثُنا عَنهُ العُلَى وَبِمثلِ ما
تُحَدِّثُنا عَنهُ تُحَدِّثُنا عنكا

9. You have undertaken reforming the times, so tell us
Is a just ruler better or a king from you?

٩. تَناولتَ إِصلاحَ الزّمانِ فَقُلْ لنا
أعدلٌ يسوسُ المُلْكَ أم ملَكٌ مِنكا

10. You have renewed what withered and affirmed what was denied
And brought closer he who was distant, and made laugh he who cried

١٠. فَجَدَّدتَ ما أَبلى وأَثبَتَّ ما نَفى
وأَدْنَيتَ مَن أَقصى وأَضْحَكتَ من أبكى