
The day I departed was brightened

حللت بيومي إذ رحلت عن الأمس

1. The day I departed was brightened
As I journeyed on, not spurring my steed or companion.

١. حَللت بيوْمي إذ رَحلتُ عنِ الأمْسِ
وِسِرْتُ ولم أُعمِلْ جوادي ولا عَنْسي

2. Our lives are but stages we traverse,
Each portioned out in bits from the whole.

٢. مراحلُ دنْيانا مراحِلنُا الَّتي
ترَاَنا عليها نقطَعُ العَيشَ بِالخمسِ

3. And we dwell in a home where peace follows fear
And where the coziness of company chases away the pangs of loneliness.

٣. ونَحنُ بِدارٍ يَعْقُبُ الخوفُ أَمنَها
وتذهبُ فيها وحشةُ الأمْنِ بالأُنْسِ

4. Nights and days with hours that seemed to crawl
Separating your spirit, mind and flesh.

٤. ليالٍ وأيامٌ بساعاتها سَعَتْ
لتفريقِها ما بين جِسْمِكَ والنّفْسِ

5. And though I rose up each morn resigned
My refrain remained, "Would that eve might find..."

٥. وإنّي وإنْ أصبحتُ منها مسُلَّماً
لأكْثرُ قوْلي ليتَ شعريَ هل أُمسي

6. One who has lived seventy years, it's as if
He were doctoring the incurable in their steady decline.

٦. ومن حلّ في سبعين عاماً كأنَّهُ
عِلاجُ علِيلٍ في مُواصَلَةِ النُّكسِ

7. So wisdom is not gained by study alone,
Rather it starts with learning then knowing.

٧. فَما فَهمُ الأَشياء بالدرْسِ وَحْدَهُ
ولكنه بدءُ التفهّم والدّرْسِ

8. And many insights in people's lines there are,
But the best of them are motes from the suns of perception.

٨. وكم حِكَمٍ في خطِّ قوْمٍ كثيرةٍ
وأفْضَلُ منها لَمْعَهٌ من سَنا الحسِّ