1. I still drink from his cup in his hand
And his scolding is praise for what I drink
١. ما زلتُ أشربُ كأسَهُ من كفّهِ
ورضابُهُ نُقْلٌ على ما أشرَبُ
2. Until dawn shows its brightness
Like a veil lifted from a concealed king
٢. حتى انجلى الإصباحُ عن إظلامه
كالستر يُرفع عن مليكٍ يحجبُ
3. And the shooting stars in the west of the sky
Are like drops of water in a pond that settle
٣. والشهبُ في غربِ السماءِ سواقطٌ
كبناتِ ماءٍ في غديرٍ تَرْسُبُ