1. By my life, they made assumptions and became certain
Through some gestures that indicate passion.
١. لعمري لقد ظَنّوا الظنونَ وأيقَنوا
ببعضِ إشاراتٍ تنِمّ على الصبِّ
2. They said, "Investigate the origin of his love;
Every orbit revolves around a pole."
٢. وقالوا اكشفوا بالبحثِ عن أصل وَجْدِهِ
فلا فَلَكٌ إلا يدور على قُطْبِ
3. Ask him, and pay attention to a word of his speech,
So the confidante of love may be known from his intimate talk.
٣. سَلُوهُ وراعوا لفظةً من خِطابهِ
لتُعْلَمَ من نجواه ناجيةُ الحبِّ
4. Some people saw me pretending love
More intensely than pretending war.
٤. أناسٌ رأوْا مني مخادعةَ الهَوى
أشدّ عليهم مِن مخادَعَةِ الحرْبِ
5. I made my friends like my companions out of fear,
So neither my friends nor companions discovered my secret.
٥. جعلتُ وُشاتي مثلَ صحبي مخافةً
فلم يطّلِعْ سرّي وشاتي ولا صحبي
6. The secret rests assured with me as if
A stranger said in his homeland, "That's enough for me."
٦. يَقَرّ قَرارُ السرّ عندي كأنّهُ
غريبُ ديارٍ قال في وطنٍ حسبي
7. Oh, amongst the herd is there one,
Did they know that gazelle from the flock?
٧. ألا بأبي من جُمْلَةِ الغيدِ واحدٌ
فهل علموا ذاك الغزال من السربِ
8. I was killed, by God, but do not remember my killer
To take vengeance on him before my Lord.
٨. قُتِلْتُ ولا واللَّه أذكرُ قاتلي
لأخْذِ قصاصٍ منه بينَ يدَيْ ربّي
9. If they say to me, "Say, whom did you love and what is his name?
What is the cause of your complaint and what is the reason for grief?"
٩. إذا قيل لي قلْ من هويت وما اسمه
وما سببُ الشكوى وما علّةُ الكربِ
10. I gave them a people instead of a people, and they believed.
But my tongue's utterance was not the meaning of my heart.
١٠. ضربتُ لهم قوماً بقوْمٍ فصدّقوا
ولفظُ لساني غيرُ معناهُ من قلبي
11. How could spies hope to uncover the secret of a concealer
Who only hinted toward the dust?
١١. وهل يطمع الواشونَ في سرِّ كاتمٍ
يريدُ السّهى إمّا أشارَ إلى الترْبِ