
O my sins, you have weighed down my back

يا ذنوبي ثقلت والله ظهري

1. O my sins, you have weighed down my back
My excuse has become clear, so how can my excuse be accepted?

١. يا ذنوبي ثَقّلْتِ واللّه ظَهْري
بانَ عُذْري فكيفَ يُقْبَلُ عذري

2. Whenever I repent for an hour, I return to sin another
Due to the forms of my evil deeds and estrangement

٢. كلَّما تُبْتُ ساعةً عُدْتُ أُخرى
لِضُروبٍ من سوءِ فِعلي وهُجري

3. My steps have become heavy and my delegation has scattered
The darkness of night in it, away from the light of dawn

٣. ثَقُلتْ خَطْوَتي وفَوْدي تَفَرّى
غَيْهَبُ اللَّيلِ فيه عن نُورِ فجرِ

4. The death of stillness crept into my movements
And the embers of my burning coals faded into its ashes

٤. دبَّ مَوْتُ السّكونِ في حركاتي
وخَبَا في رمادِهِ حُمْرُ جمري

5. And I, wherever I went, ate my sustenance
Yet time eats away my life

٥. وأنا حيثُ سرْتُ آكلُ رزقي
غير أنّ الزمانَ يأكل عمري

6. Whenever time passed with profit
From my life I found loss in profit

٦. كلَّما مَرَّ مِنهُ وَقتٌ بِربحٍ
من حياتي وجدتُ في الرِّبحِ خسري

7. Whenever time passed with profit
His knowledge of the differing of my secrets and public acts

٧. كلَّما مَرَّ مِنهُ وَقتٌ بِربحٍ
عِلْمُهُ باختلافِ سرّي وجهري

8. My heart is tired of the corruption of my immorality
So reform it by your kind mercy my fracture

٨. مِلْ بقلبي إلى صَلاحِ فسادي
منه واجبرْ برأفةٍ منك كسري

9. And protect me from what my tongue has harvested
And the insinuations my thoughts whisper to me

٩. وأَجِرْني ممّا جَناهُ لِساني
وتَناجتْ به وساوسُ فِكري