
The blacksmith forged iron into a lance for his war

ومهند عجن الحديد لقينه

1. The blacksmith forged iron into a lance for his war
In his nature were fiery winds filling the air

١. ومُهنّدٍ عَجَنَ الحَديد لقينه
في الطّبع نيرانٌ مُلِئْنَ رياحَا

2. A spirit - when you take it out from its body
It enters bodies and brings out souls

٢. رُوحٌ إذا أخرَجْتَهُ من جسمه
دخَلَ الجسُومَ فأخرَجَ الأرواحا

3. It's as if it's an empty wasteland to your eye
You never pass by its door laughing

٣. وكأنّهُ قَفْرٌ لعينكَ موحشٌ
أبَداً تَمُرّ ببابه ضحضاحا

4. It's as if it's a jinn showing you imaginings
In it the beautiful faces are ugly

٤. وكأنّما جنٌّ تُرِيكَ تخيُّلاً
فيه الحسانَ من الوجوه قباحا

5. It's as if every gnat that drowned in it
Raised the place of its trace from it a wing

٥. وكأنّ كلّ ذُبابَةٍ غرقَتْ به
رَفَعَتْ مكانَ الأثْرِ منهُ جَنَاحا