
Suaad, truly your perfection has captivated me

أسعاد إن كمال خلقك راعني

1. Suaad, truly your perfection has captivated me
So I saw the full moon as incomplete compared to you

١. أسُعادُ إنّ كمالَ خَلْقِكِ رَاعَني
فرَأيْتُ بدرَ التمّ عَنْهُ ناقِصا

2. Your cheeks have a soft glow, their radiance
Walking gracefully with your slender figure

٢. أرُضَابُ فيكِ سلافةٌ نَشَوَاتُهَا
يَمشينَ مِن طَرَبٍ بِقَدّكِ راقصا

3. An ocean are your eyes that has never ceased
Diving into the pearls of tears

٣. بحرٌ بعيْني لم يزَلْ إنْسانُهَا
فيه على دُرِّ المدامعِ غائصا

4. How many gazelles when they saw you I saw
Yearning for the fluttering of your eyelids

٤. كم أحْوَرٍ لمّا رآكِ رأيتُهُ
يَرْنُو إلى تَفْتِيرِ طرفِكِ شاخصا

5. Did he think your lips were red roses
Grazed upon by the deer of the desert plains

٥. هل ظنّ ثَغْرَكِ أُقحُواناً ناضراً
ترعاهُ غزلانُ الفلاةِ خمائصا

6. Until your smile shone radiantly
Scattering pearls on his eyes so he recoiled

٦. حتَّى إذا لاح ابتسامك يجتلي
دُرّاً على عينيه ولّى ناكصا

7. Do not reject him as you rejected the lovelorn one
For grief never becomes a remedy for the grieving

٧. لا تقنصيه كما قنصتِ مُتَيَّماً
فالرّئْمُ لا يغْدو لرِئمٍ قانِصا