1. And on a dark night when the covers were drawn
Spreading wings black as pitch
١. وَلَيلَةٍ حالِكَةِ الإِزارِ
مَدّتْ جناحاً كسوادِ القارِ
2. Shielding from us the first light of dawn
I banished cares with a sober drink
٢. يَحْجُبُ عَنّا غُرّةَ النّهارِ
عَقَرْتُ فيها الهَمَّ بِالعقارِ
3. A body of water with the spirit of fire
In a gathering that brought together the earthenware
٣. بِجِسمِ ماءٍ فيهِ رُوحُ نارِ
في مَجلِسٍ ضَمَّ بَني الفَخارِ
4. A beauty laughing above the moons
Crowded with twinkling stars
٤. كَهالَةٍ تَضحَكُ عَن أَقمارِ
تَزَاحَمَتْ بِأَنْجُمٍ دَراري
5. From every torch in the protected grounds
Degrading wealth and honoring a neighbor
٥. مِن كُلِّ ذِمْرٍ في حِمَى الذِّمارِ
مُهينُ مَالٍ وَمُعِزُّ جارِ
6. They are given to drink from the brilliant lights
Many are their names and ages
٦. يُسْقَوْنَ من ساطِعَةِ الأَنوارِ
كَثيرَةِ الأَسماءِ وَالأَعمارِ
7. More fragrant than the scent of musk
More subtle in beauty and redness
٧. أَعبَقَ مِن نَفحَةِ مِسْكٍ دَاري
أَرَقَّ في حُسْنٍ وَفي احمِرارِ
8. Than the water of a cheek flowing in tattoos
The one with earrings and bracelets
٨. مِن ماءِ خَدٍّ راقَ في عجارِ
تَكادُ ذاتُ القرطِ وَالسِوارِ
9. And the moist melody on the strings
When she made us hear the music of jest
٩. وَالنَّغمُ الرَّطبُ على الأَوتارِ
إِذ أَسمَعَتنا نَغَمَ الهَزارِ
10. It flows with the spirits through the veins
Until when the gamblers sang
١٠. يَجري معَ الأَرواحِ في المجاري
حَتّى إذا ما غَنَّتِ القَمَاري
11. The melodies the birds twittered
And the morning on its journeys
١١. مُناغِماتٍ حِزَقَ الأَطيارِ
صَوافِراً وَالصُّبحُ في الأَسفارِ
12. We got up to deny the veil of wine
From the essence of souls in the deserts
١٢. قُمنا لِنَنفي عَرَضَ الخُمارِ
عَن جَوهَرِ الأَنفُسِ في الصَّحاري
13. With every flaming glance
Facing beginnings and endings
١٣. بِكُلِّ طِرْفٍ سَلْهَبٍ مُطَارِ
مُوَجَّهِ الإقبالِ والإدبارِ
14. If he took the lead along with the currents
The ships of carpenters carried him
١٤. إِن بادَرَ السَّبقَ مَعَ المَجاري
طَارَتْ بِهِ قَوادِمُ النجارِ
15. Followed by every predatory hunter
Hollow of ribs, gaunt of belly
١٥. يَتبَعُهُ كُلُّ صَيودٍ ضارِ
ظامي الضُّلوعِ ضامِرُ الأَخْصارِ
16. As if he were in the knot of the belt
With eyes that did not wink from the spear points
١٦. كَأنَّهُ في عُقدَةِ الزُّنَّارِ
بِأَعيُنٍ لَم تُغْضِ من عُوّارِ
17. Like embers between the cheeks and eyelids
Almost casting the prey with sparks
١٧. كَالجَّمرِ بَينَ الهُدْبِ والأَشفارِ
تَكادُ تَرمي الصَّيدَ بِالشرارِ
18. As if baring teeth for the warring
Flicking tails for the rivals
١٨. كَأنَّما يُكَشِّرُ عَن جِمَارِ
يُعَقِّفُ الأَذنابَ لِلصُّوارِ
19. Like they were scorpions of the deserts
And a judge among the beasts with revenge
١٩. كَأَنَّها عَقاربُ القِفارِ
وَحاكِمٌ في الوَحشِ بِالتَّبارِ
20. Swifter than lightning and hurricanes
And in the moment of pouring at the ready
٢٠. أسْرَعُ من برْقٍ ومن إعْصَارِ
ولَحظَةِ الصَّبِّ على حذارِ
21. Yellower than the color of ripe apricots
As if formed from vitality
٢١. أَصفَرُ مِن لَونٍ جَنَى بَهارِ
كَأَنَّما صِيغَ مِنَ النّضَارِ
22. I subdued it and the gazelle in flight
Between rugged ground and flat plain
٢٢. آسَدتُه وَالظَبيِ في نِفارِ
ما بَينَ جَثجَاثٍ إِلى عَرارِ
23. So it passed in a cloud of dust
Blurring its tracks
٢٣. فَمَرَّ في غَيمٍ منَ الغُّبارِ
يُشْكِلُ منه أحْرُفَ الآثارِ
24. As if seeking revenge
What does the gazelle want with escape
٢٤. كَأَنَّما يَطلُبُهُ بِثارِ
ماذا يُريدُ الظَّبيُ بِالفِرارِ
25. From a son of the wind in a shirt of fire
While he with fatigue and harm
٢٥. مِنِ ابنِ ريحٍ في قَميصِ نارِ
وَهوَ مَعَ الإِجهادِ وَالإِضرارِ
26. Hurls small spears at him
The throw of a left-handed spearman
٢٦. يَحذِفُهُ بِيَرْمَعٍ صغارِ
حَذْفَ المُوَلِّي بِاليَدِ اليَسارِ
27. If only you could see us in the departure of the house
To a garden like a perfumed meadow
٢٧. فَلَو تَرانا في انتِزاحِ الدَّارِ
في رَوضَةٍ كالغادةِ المِعطارِ
28. Eating of the hunt of my father the healer
And drinking the blond-haired wine in goblets
٢٨. نَأكُلُ مِن صَيدِ أَبي العَقّارِ
وَنَشرَبُ الصَّهباءَ بِالكبارِ
29. I would not be but casting off inhibitions
٢٩. ما كُنتُ إِلّا خالِعَ العِذَارِ