1. I sought the hand of Ka'b, but they sent me away humbled.
So I turned from Ka'b to Jidham of 'Amir.
١. خَطَبتَ إِلى كَعبٍ فَردُّوكَ صاغِراً
فَحَوَّلتَ مِن كَعبٍ إِلى جِذمِ عامِرٍ
2. And in 'Amir there is honor of old; truly
What availed me with them was a jest about the tombs’ people.
٢. وَفي عامِرٍ عِزٌّ قَديمٌ وَإِنَّما
أَجازَكَ فيهِم هَزلُ أَهلِ المَقابِرِ