
Death has ramparts, with which all strength is shattered,

وللموت سورات بها تنقض القوى

1. Death has ramparts, with which all strength is shattered,
And miserly souls are weaned from hoarded gold,

١. وَللمَوتِ سَوراتٌ بِها تَنقَضُ القُوى
وَتَسلو عَن المالِ النُفوسُ الشَحائِحُ

2. Of what avail is a man alive who will not help you,
When to your grave the mourners' feet are rolled?

٢. إِذا المَرءُ لَم يَنفعكَ حَيّاً فَنَفعُهُ
أَقَلُّ إِذا رُصَّت عَلَيهِ الصَفائحُ

3. For what day does a man put by his profit?
Nay, but tomorrow Death stands at your side!

٣. لأيِّ زَمانٍ يَخبأُ المَرءُ نَفعَهُ
غَداً بَل غَداً لِلمَوتِ غادٍ وَرائِحُ