
As if from remembering what I face

كأني من تذكر ما ألاقي

1. As if from remembering what I face
When the beastly night darkens

١. كَأنّي مِن تَذَكُّرِ ما أُلاقي
إِذا ما أَظلَمَ اللَيلُ البَهيمُ

2. A sick man wearied of him, his kin abandoned him
And his loyal friends bid him farewell

٢. سَليمٌ مَلَّ مِنهُ أَقرَبوهُ
وَوَدَّعَهُ المُداوي وَالحَميمُ

3. So from ravines to slopes
To Uhud, to the appointed place of Rime

٣. فَكَم بَينَ الأَقارِعِ وَالمُنَقّى
إِلى أُحُدٍ إِلى ميقاتِ ريمِ

4. To arid sands from a flowing cheek
Whose passions have faded and from a gentle heart

٤. إِلى الجَمّاءِ مِن خَدٍّ أَسيلٍ
عوارِضُهُ وَمِن دَلٍّ رَخيمِ