1. O palm tree, I give no gift nor firewood
Why or for what have I wasted my blood?
١. يا أَثلُ لا غِيَراً أُعطى وَلا قوداً
عَلامَ أَو فيمَ إِسرافاً هَرَقتُ دَمي
2. Except to obey the truth willingly before judges
So our judge is to the decree
٢. إِلّا تُريحي عَلَينا الحَقَّ طائِعَةً
دونَ القضاةِ فَقاضِينا إِلى حَكَمِ
3. Your righteousness on the day of ordeal was presented from Masar
And deaths meet the rise of sorrows
٣. صادَتكَ يَومَ المَلا مِن مَثعَرٍ عرضاً
وَقَد تُلاقي المَنايا مَطلَعَ الأَكَمِ
4. With the eyelids of a gazelle, the blood of a cowardly betrayer
And its cheek anticipates the ripening dates
٤. بِمُقلَتَي ظَبيَةٍ أَدماءَ خاذِلَةٍ
وَجيدُها يَتَراعي ناضرَ السَلَمِ
5. You have not fulfilled any promise for it to thank you
Nor has it obtained from you an oath of loyalty
٥. ما أَنجَزَت لَكَ مَوعوداً فَتَشكُرها
وَلا أَنالَتكَ مِنها برَّةَ القَسَمِ