
The wind tears off his garment

ومستنبح تستكشط الريح ثوبه

1. The wind tears off his garment
To let it fall while he's still wrapped in the robe

١. وَمُستَنبِحٍ تَستَكشِطُ الريحُ ثَوبَهُ
لِيَسقُطَ عَنهُ وَهوَ بِالثَوبِ مُعصِمُ

2. He wandered in the black night after confessing
So a dog may bark or a sleeper may awaken

٢. عَوى في سَوادِ اللَيلِ بَعدَ اِعتِسافِهِ
لِيَنبحَ كَلبٌ أَو لِيَفزَعَ نُوَّمُ

3. The one who listens for sounds to guide to the villages answered him
Though the raiders' arrival gives him sustenance

٣. فَجاوَبَهُ مُستَسمِعُ الصَوتِ لِلقرى
لَهُ مَعَ إِتيانِ المُهِبِّينَ مَطعَمُ

4. When he sees the guest approaching, he almost
Speaks to him out of love though he is a foreigner

٤. يَكادُ إِذا ما أَبصَرَ الضَيفَ مُقبِلاً
يُكَلِّمُهُ مِن حُبِّهِ وَهوَ أَعجَمُ