1. Ask the neighbor, the passionate one, and the guests
When they greet me kindly
١. وَسَلِ الجارَ وَالمُعَصِّبَ وَالأض
يافَ وَهناً إِذا تَحَيّوا لَدَيّا
2. How they find me when the dog barks
Secretly behind the walls
٢. كَيفَ يَلقَونَني إِذا نَبَحَ الكَل
بُ وَراءَ الكُسورِ نَبحاً خَفيّا
3. And the sorrowful milkman walked to the spring
But did not water the yellow district at all
٣. وَمَشى الحالِبُ المُبِسُّ إِلى النا
بِ فَلَم يقرِ أَصفَر الحَيِّ رَيّا
4. It was not an external inheritance from recent heritage
Rather, I inherited that from Ali
٤. لَم تَكُن خارِجيَّةً مِن تُراثٍ
حادِثٍ بَل وَرثتُ ذاكَ عَليّا