
The daughters of Na'sh circle about as though they were

وبنات نعش يستدرن كأنها

1. The daughters of Na'sh circle about as though they were
Cows of sand, behind them roots cleaving.

١. وَبَناتُ نَعشٍ يَستَدِرنَ كَأَنَّها
بَقَراتُ رَملٍ خَلفَهُنَّ جآذِرُ

2. And Alfarqadan like two confederates contracted
By God! they move not, nor fail to fulfill their course.

٢. وَالفَرقَدانِ كصاحبَينِ تَعاقَدا
تاللَهِ تَبرَحُ أَو تَزول عَتايرُ

3. And Aljadhi like a man who has no
Supporter, no ally to defend him.

٣. وَالجَديُ كالرَجُلِ الَّذي ما أَن لَهُ
عَضدٌ وَلَيسَ لَهُ حَليفٌ ناصِرُ

4. And the Goat visited its glory, like a bull
When the herdsman ceases from urging him on.

٤. وَتزاوَرَ العَيّوقُ عَن مَجداتِهِ
كالثَورِ يُضرِبُ حينَ عافَ الباقِرُ

5. And the Eagles soared, one spreading its pinions
To swoop for its quarry, another cleaving the air.

٥. وَتَرفَّعَ النِسرانِ هَذا باسِطٌ
يَهوي لسقطَتِهِ وَهَذا كاسِرُ

6. And An-Nata' gleams and Albatin as though he were
A ram driven off by a shepherd hastening away.

٦. وَالنَطعُ يَلمَعُ وَالبطَينُ كَأَنَّهُ
كَبشٌ يطَرِّدُهُ لحَتفٍ تائِرُ

7. And the Whale swims in the sky as it swims in the sea,
Skilled in every manner of swimming.

٧. وَالحوتُ يَسبَحُ في السَماءِ كسِبحِهِ
في الماءِ وَهوَ بِكُلِّ سبحٍ ماهِرُ

8. And the stars of Jauza like a flock
That passes by them coming and going.

٨. وَكَواكِبُ الجَوزاءِ مِثلُ عَوائِدٍ
تَمري لَهُنَّ قَوادِمٌ وأَواخِرُ

9. And as though its landmarks on its course
Were a troop on the track of a cloud pouring rain.

٩. وَكأَنَّ مَرَزمَها عَلى آثارِها
فَحلٌ عَلى آثارِ شَولٍ هادِرُ

10. And Hadi As-Su'ud posed like a company of riders
Halting in the valley of Labeef tired.

١٠. وَتَعَرَّضَت هادي السُعودِ كَأَنَّها
رَكبٌ تأوَّبَ بَطنَ تَبعٍ مائِرُ

11. And Suhail rose like a flame, resembling
A watchman on the peak of a fortress.

١١. وَبَدا سُهَيلٌ كالشِهابِ مُشَبِّهٌ
راعٍ عَلى شَرَفِ العَرينَةِ سائِرُ

12. And stars appeared amidst all this as though they
Were pearls scattered from a necklace shattered.

١٢. وَبَدَت نُجومٌ بَينَ ذاكَ كَأَنَّها
دُرٌّ تَقَطَّعَ سِلكُهُ مُتَناثِرُ