
I advise a rich man, yet I don't stop blaming him

أوصي غنيا فما أنفك أذمره

1. I advise a rich man, yet I don't stop blaming him
I fear for him matters of sound reason

١. أَوصي غَنيّاً فَما أَنفكُّ أَذمرُهُ
أَخشى عليه أُموراً ذاتَ عقّالِ

2. Either you went wild and did not look at any pride
As it was incapacitated after the present condition

٢. إِمّا هللتَ وَلَم تنظر إِلى نَشبٍ
كَما تَعَطَّلَ بَعد الخلقةِ الحالي

3. So I opened for you closed doors
Enter upon every two-crowned one generously

٣. فَقَد فَتَحتُ لَك الأَبوابَ مغلقَةً
فاِدخُل عَلى كُلِّ ذي تاجينِ مِفضالِ

4. The house of kings, live in the abundance of their glory
And raise your hope from an uncle and from a maternal uncle

٤. دار المُلوكِ تَعِش في غمرِ مجدِهِمُ
واِرفَع رَجاءَك عَن عَمٍّ وَعَن خالِ

5. Meet men with what they met you with
Harm for harm, and favor for favor

٥. إِلقِ الرِجالَ بِما لاقوكَ مِن كَثَبٍ
ضرّاً بضرٍّ وَإِبهالاً بابهالِ

6. David, David do not let his ropes slip
And tighten your hand with the rest of affection and connection

٦. داود داودُ لا تفلت حَبائله
واِشدد يديك بِباقي للودّ وَصّالِ

7. The people altogether did not forget your sacrifice
And did not bear fruit from family or wealth

٧. فَما نسيت فداكَ الناسُ كلُّهُمُ
وَما أَثمَرُ من أَهلٍ وَمِن مالِ

8. The day of Ruwaitha, and the enemies had come
When I came walking in fear and horrors

٨. يَومَ الرويثةِ وَالأَعداءُ قَد حضروا
إِذ جئتُ أَمشي عَلى خَوفٍ وَأَهوالِ

9. And people avert evil with their eyes
Like a falcon that rose above the high watchtower

٩. وَالناسُ يَرمونَ عَن شَرٍّ بِأَعيُنِهِم
كالصَقرِ أَصبحَ فَوقَ المَرقبِ العالي

10. They do not lift their eyes to it, fearing it
Not fear of gross immorality, but fear of reverence

١٠. لا يَرفعونَ إِلَيهِ الطرفَ خشيَتهُ
لا خَوفَ فُحشٍ وَلكن خَوفَ إِجلالِ

11. Until you met my needs, so you asked them
So the first ones with hatred changed their conditions

١١. حَتّى تَلافَيتَ حاجاتي فَسؤتَهُمُ
فَقَد تبرّا أُولو الشَحناءِ أَحوالي

12. Then a giant carried them, his burdens
Cast off the straps of my back after the heaviness

١٢. ثُمَّ استَقَلَّ بهم ضَخمٌ حمالتُهُ
أَلقى أَشطّةَ ظَهري بَعد إِثقالِ

13. You lowered violent anger after rebellion came
To join the Egyptians, my burdens

١٣. خفضتَ جأشاً وَقَد رامَ النشوزُ وَقَد
جاءَت لتلحقَ بالمِصرَينِ أَحمالي