
I thought myself to be steadfast, but it shook me,

قد كنت أحسبني جلدا فضعضعني

1. I thought myself to be steadfast, but it shook me,
A grave in Harran, in it the protector of the faith,

١. قَد كُنتُ أَحسبُني جَلداً فَضَعضَعَني
قَبرٌ بِحَرّانَ فيهِ عصمَةُ الدينِ

2. In it is the Imam and the best of all people,
Between boards and stones and clay.

٢. فيهِ الإِمامُ وَخَيرُ الناسِ كُلِّهِمُ
بَينَ الصَفائِحِ وَالأَحجارِ وَالطيَنِ

3. In it is the Imam whose tragedy encompassed all,
And burdened every wealthy and destitute person.

٣. فيهِ الإِمامُ الَّذي عَمَّت مُصيبَتُهُ
وَعيَّلَت كُلَّ ذي مالٍ وَمِسكينِ

4. Indeed the Imam who turned away and left me,
As if after him I am in a madman's garb.

٤. إِنَّ الإِمامَ الَّذي وَلّى وَغادَرَني
كَأَنَّني بَعدَهُ في ثَوبِ مَجنونِ

5. Time's situation turned against us when it stayed up harassing us,
Harassing like an untreated leather worker.

٥. حالَ الزَمانُ بِنا إِذ باتَ يَعرُكُنا
عَركَ الصَناعِ أَديماً غَيرَ مَدهونِ

6. And fate succeeded in stabbing me in the back,
So it continues to target me with the enemies.

٦. وَأَعقَبَ الدَهرُ ريشاً في مَناكِبِهِ
فَما يَزالُ مَع الأَعداءِ يَرميني

7. So may Allah's mercy be abundant,
Upon you, from an oppressed prisoner.

٧. فَرَحمَةُ اللَهِ أَنواعاً مُضاعَفَةً
عَلَيكَ مِن مُقعَصٍ ظُلماً وَمَسجونِ

8. May Allah not forgive Marwan's injustice,
But may Allah forgive whoever says "Amen".

٨. فَلا عَفا اللَهُ عَن مَروانَ مَظلمَةً
لَكِن عَفا اللَهُ عَمَّن قالَ آمينِ