1. A clan refused and turned away
From their own kin - may they not prosper!
١. فان مَعشَرٌ بَخِلوا وَالتووا
عَلى ذي قَرابَتِهم لَم يُصبْ
2. For God has been enough for me
For them, and for the sons of Hashim.
٢. فَإِنَّ الإِلَهَ كَفاني الَّتي
بِهم وَبسيب بني المطَّلبْ
3. Whenever I came to them in need,
Like the afflicted seeking aid,
٣. وَكنت إِذا جئتُهُم راغِباً
مجيءَ المُصابِ إِلى المُحتَسبْ
4. They never failed to grant my request -
No beggar was refused by them.
٤. أَقرّوا بِلا خُلف حاجَتي
أَلا مِثلُ سائلهم لَم يَخِبْ