
How many a good brother, uncle, and cousin

كم أخ صالح وعم وخال

1. How many a good brother, uncle, and cousin
And nephew like a sharpened sword

١. كَم أَخٍ صالِحٍ وَعَمٍّ وَخالٍ
وابنِ عَمًّ كالصارِمِ المَسنونِ

2. Whom death has distanced from us and so
Became greatest beneath slabs and clay

٢. قَد جَلَتهُ عَنّا المَنايا فَأَمسى
أَعظُماً تَحتَ ملحداتٍ وَطينِ

3. A pledge at Ramess or Buhera
Oh people for the buried dead

٣. رَهنَ رَمسٍ بِبُهرَةٍ أَو حَزيزٍ
يا لَقَومٍ لِميّتِ المَدفونِ