1. Come, pour me my cup and leave those who refuse,
And moisten bones whose abode tends toward decay.
١. هلم اسقني كأسي ودع عنك من أبى
وروِّ عظاماً قصرُهُنَّ إلى بِلى
2. For my boon companion, undoubtedly honored,
Is with me, one whose love he has chosen.
٢. فأَنّ نديمي غير شَكٍّ مُكرَّمٌ
لديَّ وعندي من هواه الذي ارتضى
3. And I do not speak to him condescendingly
Of the cup’s excess that would make him drunk against his will.
٣. ولست له في فضلةِ الكأس قائلاً
لأصرعهُ سكراً تحسَّ وقد أبى
4. Rather I entertain him and honor his dignity,
Drinking what remains and pouring him what he desires.
٤. ولكن أُحييه واكرمُ وجههُ
واشرب ما بقي واسقيه ما اشتهى