
Do you not see that the truthfulness of words purifies them,

ألم تر أن القول يخلص صدقه

1. Do you not see that the truthfulness of words purifies them,
While lying mouths refuse to become pure?

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ القَولَ يَخلُصُ صِدقُهُ
وَتأبى فَما تَزَكوا لباغٍ بواطِلُهْ

2. I blamed a man whom blame did not stain,
For few can equal him in merit and worth.

٢. ذَمَمتُ امرَأً لم يَطبَعِ الذَمُّ عرضَهُ
قَليلاً لَدى تَحصيلِهِ مَن يُشاكِلُهْ

3. In all Hejaz no man of rank and honor,
Except the virtuous son of Imran can be found.

٣. فَما بالحِجازِ مِن فَتىً ذي إِمارَةٍ
وَلا شَرَفٍ إِلّا ابنُ عمرانَ فاضلُهْ

4. No blame can mar the precincts of his house,
Though nights of completion beset its thresholds.

٤. فَتىً لا يَطورُ الذَمُّ ساحَةَ بَيتِهِ
وَتَشقى بِهِ لَيلَ التَمامِ عَواذِلُهْ