1. The pretenders attacked me, though their company was pure Arabs.
I said to them as they barked together against me, but I did not bark back:
١. هَجوت الأَدعياء فَناصبتني
مَعاشِرَ خِلتها عَرَبا صِحاحا
2. Are you of them, so I reject you,
And attribute you to their attributes openly?
٢. فَقلت لهم وَقَد نبحوا جَميعاً
عليَّ فَلَم أُجِب لَهُمُ نباحا
3. Or else praise my opinion, for I
Remove from you the ugly son.
٣. أَأَنتُم منهمُ فأصدَّ عَنكم
وانسبُكُم لنسبَتِهم صَراحا
4. And it is enough of a charge against good people
That you blame a brother for an invalid's crime.
٤. وَإِلّا فاِحمدوا رأيي فاني
أُزَحزِحُ عَنكُمُ الإِبنَ القباحا
٥. وَحسبك تهمةً لِصَحيحِ قومٍ
تَعُدُّ عَلى أَخي سقمٍ جناحا