
In the ruins of a barren desert its people endured

أفي طلل قفر تحمل آهله

1. In the ruins of a barren desert its people endured
You stopped with tears flowing down

١. أَفي طَلَلٍ قَفرٍ تَحَمَّلَ آهِلُهْ
وَقَفتَ وَماءُ العَينِ يَنهَلُّ هامِلُهْ

2. Asking foolishly about Salma though fate took her away
How can you ask one who cannot speak?

٢. تُسائِلُ عَن سَلمى سَفاهاً وَقَد نأَت
بِسَلمى نَوىً شَحطٌ فَكَيفَ تُسائِلُهْ

3. You hope though none will answer,
Only the grieving remains

٣. وَتَرجو وَلَم يَنطِق وَلَيسَ بِناطِقٍ
جَواباً مُحيلٌ قَد تَحَمَّل آهِلُهْ

4. A vision like dotted nun, unclear
Tails from the left trail it

٤. وَنؤيٌ كَخَطِّ النونِ ما إِن تَبينُهُ
عَفتَهُ ذُيولٌ مِن شَمالٍ تُذايلُهْ

5. Say to the honorable man of virtue and generosity
Praise, when uttered, its speaker is believed

٥. فَقُل للسَريِّ الواصِلِ البرِّ ذي النَدى
مَديحاً إِذا ما بُثَّ صُدِّقَ قائِلُهْ

6. A steed steady on the heights, stirred by dew
As a polished sword quivers, made keen by its sharpener

٦. جَوادٌ عَلى العِلّاتِ يَهتَزُّ لِلنَدى
كَما اِهتَزَّ عَضبٌ أَخلَصَتهُ صَياقِلُهْ

7. His justice removed injustice from people of Yamamah
They lived and falsehood vanished

٧. نَفى الظُلمَ عَن أَهلِ اليَمامَةِ عدلُهُ
فَعاشوا وَزاحَ الظُلمُ عَنهُم وَباطِلُهْ

8. They slept secure after fear and hardship
With the path of justice, none fear its dangers

٨. وَناموا بأمنٍ بَعدَ خَوفٍ وَشِدَّةٍ
بسيرَةِ عَدلٍ ما تُخافُ غَوائِلُهْ

9. Goodness knows you are its pillar
And hunger knows you are its vanquisher

٩. وَقَد عَلِمَ المَعروفُ أَنَّكَ خِدنُهُ
وَيَعلَمُ هَذا الجوعُ أَنَّكَ قاتِلُهْ

10. Through you Allah gave life to the land of Hajar and beyond
Until the greens' eater lived

١٠. بِكَ اللَهُ أَحيى أَرض حَجرٍ وَغَيرَها
مِن الأَرضِ حَتّى عاشَ بالبَقلِ آكلُهْ

11. You are hoped for what you deserve
And help your kin, their means is through you

١١. وَأَنتَ تُرَجّى لِلَّذي أَنتَ أَهلُهُ
وَتَنفَعُ ذا القُربى لَدَيكَ وَسائِلُهْ