
Stand still awhile and question this drawing - it will speak

قفا ساعة واستنطقا الرسم ينطق

1. Stand still awhile and question this drawing - it will speak
Of a beloved Suqat or a lightning Bu rqat

١. قِفا ساعَةً واِستَنطِقا الرَسمَ يَنطقِ
بسوقَةَ أَهوى أَو ببُرقَةِ عَوهَقِ

2. The wind has moved over it until it seems
Like a worn headband made of tendon

٢. تَماشَت عَلَيهِ الريحُ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
عَصائبُ مَلبوسٍ مِنَ العَصبِ مُخلِقِ