
Surely Sulayma, whom God confound,

إن سليمى والله يكلؤها

1. Surely Sulayma, whom God confound,
Has become disaffected with something she never expected.

١. إِنَّ سُلَيمى وَاللَهُ يَكلَؤُها
ضَنَّت بِشَيءٍ ما كانَ يَرزَؤُها

2. She has accustomed me to enduring patiently
The long night whose length I never thought I could endure.

٢. وَعَوَّدَّتني فيما تُعَودُِّني
أَظماءَ وَردٍ ما كنتُ أَجزَؤُها

3. And I see that she persists in wronging me,
Stirring up calamity for me and then blaming it on me.

٣. وَلا أَراها تَزالُ ظالِمَةً
تُحَدِثُ لي نَكبَةً وَتَنكؤُها

4. And without being indecent she tells me of things,
About which I can only guess from hints she drops.

٤. وَتَزدَهيني من غَيرِ فاحِشَةٍ
أَشياءُ عَنها بالغَيبِ أنبؤُها

5. If she were true to her promises to lovers,
Her perfidy would be far better hidden.

٥. لَو تُهنِيَ العاشِقينَ ما وَعَدَت
لَكانَ خَيرَ العِداةِ أَهنؤُها

6. She grew up and chastity grew up with her,
So her scruple and her breeding were never impugned,

٦. شَبَّت وَشَبَّ العَفافُ يَتبَعُها
فَلَم يُعَب خِدنُها وَمَنشَؤُها

7. And she took her place in the choicest ranks,
And one held in highest honor by her tribe,

٧. وَبَوَّأَت في صَميم مَعشَرِها
فَنَمَّ في قَومِها مُبَوَّؤُها

8. A cheek that even when it sleeps
Rivals the eyes in its allure when it wakes,

٨. خَودٌ تُعاطيكَ بَعدَ رَقدَتِها
إِذا يُلاقي العُيونَ مَهدَؤُها

9. A wine-filled cup passing from hand to hand
Among the merchants, who bid high to own it.

٩. كأساً بفيها صَهباءَ مُعرِقَةً
يَغلو بِأَيدي التِجار مَسبَؤُها