1. You prevailed over the caliphate, he who wished for it
And he who the misguided one misled with it into misguidance
١. غَلبتَ عَلى الخَلافَةِ مَن تَمَنّى
وَمَنّاهُ المُضِلُّ بِها الضَلولُ
2. So he destroyed himself out of foolishness and cowardice
And no part of it was allotted to him
٢. فَأهلَكَ نَفسَهُ سَفَهاً وَجُبناً
وَلَم يُقسَم لَهُ مِنها فَتيلُ
3. And assisting him were the covetous so they were
Like flood-water foam gathered by torrents
٣. وَوازرَهُ ذَوُو طَمَعٍ فَكانوا
غُثاءَ السَيلِ يَجمَعُهُ السيولُ
4. They invoked Satan when they lied and transgressed
Yet the misguiding betrayer did not cry out to them
٤. دَعوا إِبليسَ إِذ كذَبوا وَجاروا
فَلَم يُصرِخهُمُ المُغوي الخَذولُ
5. And they were people obedient to him so he turned
And a tribe among them walked in his footsteps
٥. وَكانوا أَهلَ طاعتِهِ فَوَلّى
وَسارَ وَراءَهُ منهُم قَبيلُ
6. And they did not fall short concerning it in truth
In the tracks of the misguided one, nor were they slow
٦. وَهُم لَم يُقصِروا فيها بحَقٍّ
عَلى أَثَرِ المُضِلِّ وَلَم يُطيلوا
7. It was not the people's love of you with it, but
The Sublime King loved you for that
٧. وَما الناسُ اِحتَبَوكَ بِها وَلَكِن
حَباكَ بِذالِكَ المَلِكُ الجَليلُ
8. The inheritance of Muhammad is for you and you were
The origins of truth when the origins were banished
٨. تُراثُ مَحمَّدٍ لَكُمُ وَكُنتُم
أُصولَ الحقِّ إِذ نُفِيَ الأُصولُ