
Who is the messenger, sincere and truthful

من ذا رسول ناصح فمبلغ

1. Who is the messenger, sincere and truthful
To send my message to Ulayya, not saying lies

١. مَن ذا رَسولٌ ناصِحٌ فَمُبَلِّغٌ
عَنّي عُلَيَّةَ غَيرَ قيلِ الكاذِبِ

2. I crave to share her face, like a lover craves
His absent beloved, with whom his heart still lies

٢. إِنّي غَرَضتُ إِلى تَناصُفِ وَجهِها
غَرَضَ المُحِبِّ إِلى الحَبيبِ الغائِبِ