1. The Prophet's son has forbidden me from wine
And taught me the manners of nobility
١. نَهاني ابنُ الرَسولِ عَن المُدامِ
وَأَدَّبَني بِآدابِ الكِرامِ
2. He said abstain from it and leave it
For fear of God, not fear of people
٢. وَقالَ ليَ اِصطَبِر عَنها وَدَعها
لِخَوفِ اللَهِ لا خَوفِ الأَنامِ
3. But how can I abstain when my love for it
Is a love that has penetrated my bones
٣. وَكَيفَ تَصَبُّري عَنها وَحُبّي
لَها حُبٌّ تَمَكَّنَ في عِظامي
4. I see the perfume of lawful things as foul
And the perfume of the soul in the foulness of sin
٤. أَرى طيبَ الحَلالِ عَليَّ خُبثاً
وَطيبَ النَفسِ في خُبثِ الحَرامِ