
My pasture for the guest, when the land is stricken

مرتع ذودي من البلاد إذا

1. My pasture for the guest, when the land is stricken
With drought, is the amplest and warmest of all;

١. مَرتَعُ ذَودي مِن البِلادِ إِذا
ما شاعَ جَدبُ البِلادِ أَكلؤُها

2. And when want visits my dwelling, the guest
Finds the fullest supply in my drinking-bowl.

٢. يُكنُّ ضَيفي إِذا تأوَّبني
أَوسَعُ أَبياتِنا وَأَدفَؤُها

3. For these troublous times I have vessels of old
Now empty, now brimming, as Fortunes ordain.

٣. عِندي لهَذا الزَمانِ آنيَةٌ
أملؤُها مَرَّةً وَأكفَؤُها

4. The best of all men are the sorely-tried,
As the best of all lands are the most desolate.

٤. خَيرُ الرِجالِ المرهَّقونَ كَما
خَيرُ تلاعِ البِلادِ أَوطؤُها