1. O imagination of victory on the day of redemption
Your pride brings joy, and the pride of the ransomed brings joy
١. يا خيال النصر في يوم الفدا
عز مسراك وعز المفتدى
2. The plains rejoiced when they met you
And the river bank knelt, and the expanse greeted you
٢. كبّرت لما تلقتك الربى
وجثا الشط وحياك المدى
3. For you, the birds sang and recited poetry
The doves cooed, and the partridges chirped
٣. لك ما غنى وثنى وشدا
طائر الدوح وما الحادي حدا
4. And the rolling green meadows were watered by the dew
And my call whenever the echo sounded sweet
٤. والدوالي الخضر رواها الندى
وندائي كلما طاب الندا
5. Your spirit blew at the edges of zeal
And flowed in every hearing with melody
٥. عصفت روحك اطراف الحمى
وسرت في كل سمع نغما
6. From the shadows of God it extended its shade
So it is God's light, on earth and sky
٦. من ظلال الله مدت ظلها
فهي نور الله ارضا وسما
7. And you watered the earth with fragrance and blood
And vengeance called you to take revenge
٧. ورويت الأرض عطرا ودما
ودعاك الثأر ان تنتقما
8. And Palestine, whenever its imagination raged
Like longing, it appeared and manifested
٨. وفلسطين خيال كلما
هاج كالشوق تجلى وبدا
9. A rebel from the army of soldiers set out
Startling the plains and conquering the land
٩. مارد من عسكر الجند انبرى
يذهل السهل ويحتل الثرى
10. Carrying his machine gun unleashed
Not caring for flames or armies
١٠. حامل رشاشه منطلق لا
يبالي لهبا أو عسكرا
11. Leaving humiliation far behind and he ran wearing
The garb of determination and lesson learning
١١. خلف الذل بعيدا وجرى وارتدى
ثوب الردى واعتبرا
12. He reaches his target, seeing or not seeing
Then meets his Lord martyred
١٢. يدرك المرمى يرى او لا يرى
ثم يلقى ربه مستشهدا
13. He entered Heaven, fulfilled and delighted
And the Throne sang for him and rang
١٣. دخل الجنة موفور السنا
وحنا العرش عليه ورنا
14. No specter of zeal glimpsed in his eye
For he is in Paradise, crying for the homeland
١٤. ما ثل في طرفه طيف الحمى
فهو في الفردوس يبكي الوطنا
15. And the call to prayer echoed drawing near
And the black tents scattered wishes
١٥. ودوى الذكر في الأقصى دنا
والخيام السمر اشتات المنى
16. And the fighter on the edges of the canal
Writes victory and dictates the tryst
١٦. والفدائي باطراف القناة
يكتب النصر ويملي الموعدا