1. You find Munkar, hastening your mother to her grave
She is an ignorant, foolish woman when she speaks
١. أيزيد قد لاقيت منكرة
عجلت بأمك مدخل القبر
2. She is not like a gentle, docile lamb
A black one who never stops being angry
٢. هوجاء جاهلة إذا نطقت
ليست كعاباً بضة الخدر
3. Filled with hatred overflowing with bitterness
Your grandfather was not lowly among women
٣. سوداء ما تنفك متأفة
ملأى مضببة على غمر
4. An honored branch whose evening birds flow
She was stingy toward you but the Blessed and Praised
٤. ما كان جدك في النساء بذي
فرع عشية طيرها يجري
5. Determiner of fate is generous in his command
٥. ضنت عليك فنعم ذو
قدر الرحمن والمحمود للأمر