
Say to him some pleasant thing, say

معايدات سريعة

1. Say to him some pleasant thing, say
Do not leave the child with disappointment in his eyes

١. قُولا له أيَّ شيءٍ مُبْهجٍ قُولا
لا تُتْركا الطِّفلَ في عَينيهِ مَخْذُولا

2. For sadness, in the features of the child, there is a song
Of barrenness, and a dream that died, murdered

٢. للحُزنِ فيْ قَسَماتِ الطفلِ أُغنيةٌ
من اليَباسِ وحُلْمٌ مات مَقتُولا

3. For the sand in his pocket, the memory of the orphan - so much
Sorrow has passed whenever the suffering grew longer

٣. للرملِ فيْ جَيْبَهِ ذكرى اليتيم فكم
عَبَّ الأَسى كُلما زادَ المَسَا طُولا

4. He has no clothes left to wear for the feast tomorrow
Worn out the clothes for a promise that was hoped for

٤. لم يُبْقِ للعِيْدِ ثوباً يَرْتَدِيهِ غداً
أَبْلى الثيابَ لوَعْدٍ كانَ مأمولا

5. Take the thirty from an age he was dressed in
And return the feast to his first laughter

٥. خُذا الثلاثيْنَ مِنْ عُمْرٍ تَلَبَّسَهُ
وأرجِعا العِيدَ فيْ ضِحْكاتِهِ الأُولى