
Greetings of peace from the garden of peace

سلام من لدن روض السلام

1. Greetings of peace from the garden of peace
Specifically for you, O son of the Imam

١. سلامٌ مِن لَدُن رَوضِ السلام
يَخُصُّ ذَراكَ يا نَجلَ الإِمَامِ

2. It comes with the soft breezes every morn
And flows at dusk with the clouds

٢. يَهُبُّ مَعَ النَّوَاسِمِ كُلّ صُبحٍ
وَيَسرِي بِالعَشِيِّ مَعَ الغَمامِ

3. When darkness descends, it lights
The lightning flash in the gloom of darkness

٣. إذَا اعتَكَرَ الظلامُ عَلَيهِ أَورَى
زِنَادَ البَرقِ في غَسَقِ الظّلامِ

4. To tell of a heart filled with love for you
A pillar since between us stood the trustee

٤. لِيُخبِرَ عَن فُؤَادٍ فيكَ صَبٍّ
عَمِيدٍ مُنذُ بَينِك مُستَهامِ

5. And of a covenant whose lord has abandoned
So the heart was inflamed with passion for him

٥. وعَن عَهدٍ نَأى مَولاهُ عَنهُ
فلاحَ القَلبُ مِنهُ فِي غَرَامِ

6. Foods pass him by though they are sweet
And he dislikes drinks and food

٦. تَمرُّ لَهُ المَطاعِمُ وَهيَ شَهدٌ
وَيضنَى بالشّرابِ وبالطّعامِ

7. He readied himself to fly in passion and longing
To you, but the pace of the dove prevented him

٧. تَهَيّأ كَي يَطيرَ هَوىً وَشَوقاً
إِلَيكَ فَعَأقَهُ سُوقُ الحَمَامِ

8. And I have a yearning like the yearning of birds
With it the youth of my limit and resolve

٨. وَلِي زُغبٌ كَزُغب الطَّيرِ فُلّت
بِهِنّ شَباةُ حَدِّي واعتِزَامِي

9. If I fall short then 'tis from lack of loyalty
And if the arrow misses, blame the defective feather

٩. فإِن أَقصِر فمن عَدَم المُوَالي
وإن السَّهم بِالرِّيش اللُّؤامِ

10. He who hopes to rise without wings
Is like one who mounts a steed without reins

١٠. وَمَن رَامَ النُّهوضَ بلا جَنَاحٍ
كَمَن رَكِبَ الجَموحَ بلا لِجَامِ

11. And I have no alternative but to journey
To you slowly, like the gait of ostriches

١١. وَإنِّي لا غِنًى لِي مِن مَسيرٍ
يَبُذُّ إلَيكُمُ رَتكَ النّعامِ

12. My pride is in visiting your abode
And my humility in staying in my place

١٢. فَعِزِّي في الوُفودِ على ذَراكُم
وذلّي في الإِقامَةِ فِي مُقَامِي

13. The light of poetry has dimmed in your absence
And the water of speech dried up without you

١٣. ذَوَى لِبِعَادِكُم نَورُ القَوَافِي
وَجَفّ لِبَنِكُم مَاءُ الكلامِ

14. Words cannot convey meaning to us
Nor can verse flow into meter

١٤. فَمَا تَحكِي لَنَا الألفَاظُ مَعنَى
ولا يَجرِي القَرِيضُ عَلَى نِظامِ

15. After you we met time, what time!
And this year without you, what a year!

١٥. لَقينَا الدَّهرَ بَعدَك أيَّ دَهرٍ
وَهَذَا العَامُ بَعدكَ أيُّ عَام

16. Its benefit remote, harmful to the close
An ally to villains against the noble

١٦. بَعِيدٌ نَفعُهُ دانٍ أذَاهُ
ظَهيرٌ لِلّئامِ عَلَى الكِرَامِ

17. I fear the fever of Valencia which
Used to make the heroes fly to the baths

١٧. أخَاف حِمَى بَلَنسِيَةٍ وَكَانَت
تَطِيرُ بِهَا البُزاة عَلَى الحَمَامِ

18. And around it roamed the steeds of Christians
Though you protected it from every defender

١٨. وجالَت حَولَها خَيلُ النَّصَارَى
وَكَانَت قَد حَماهَا مِنكَ حَامِ

19. And they passed secure by its sides
When they feared you in their dreams

١٩. وَمَرّوا آمِنينَ بِجَنبَتَيهَا
وَكَانُوا يَرهبونَكَ فِي المَنَامِ

20. Without a lion, the den is not feared
Nor is the tomb feared without swords

٢٠. وَمَا يُخشَى العَرِينُ بِغَيرِ لَيثٍ
وهَل يُخشَى القُرَابُ بلا حُسَامِ

21. Wherein no chaos was feared
As if one were in the holy land

٢١. وَكَانَت لا يُخَافُ الهَرجُ فِيهَا
كَأَن المَرء فِي البَلَدِ الحَرَامِ

22. So it has no life left for its inhabitants
Save a life like that of turtledoves

٢٢. فَأضحَت لا حَيَاةَ لِسَاكِنِيهَا
بِهَا إلا حياة كالحِمام

23. Our master Abu Zayd who suckled us
The teat of righteousness and great bounties

٢٣. أسَيِّدَنا أبَا زَيدٍ رَضَعنَا
ثُدِي البِرِّ وَالنِّعَمِ الجِسَامِ

24. After his departure we grew into elders
Returned to the bitterness of weaning

٢٤. فَصِرنَا بَعدَ رِحلَتِهِ كُهولاً
أُعِيدَ عَلَيهِمُ مُرُّ الفِطَامُ

25. Exalted, he protected the borders from enemies
May God protect him from poison and fever

٢٥. سَمَا وَحَمى الثّغورَ عَلَى الأعَادِي
رَعَاهُ اللهُ مِن سَامٍ وَحَامِ

26. O son of the caliph of God, the chosen one
And grandson of our Imam, best of all men

٢٦. فَيَا ابنَ خليفَةِ اللهِ المُصَفَّى
وَصِنوَ إِمَامِنَا خَيرِ الأنَامِ

27. Yours is the old purchase of glory
And the unveiling of momentous calamities

٢٧. لَكُم عُرِفَ اقتِنَاءُ المَجدِ قِدماً
وَتَكشِيفُ المُلِمَّاتِ العِظَامِ

28. And the raising of lofty flags
Firmly planted and clarifying policies

٢٨. وَرَفعُ المَعلُومَاتِ عَلَى رَوَاسٍ
مُؤطّدَةٍ وَإيضاحُ المَعَامِي

29. No son of Qays Aylan had his father
Keen in matters and wise

٢٩. وَمَا مَن قَيسُ عَيلانٍ أبُوهُ
بنابٍ فِي الأُمُورِ وَلا كَهام

30. Perhaps the servant errs at times
So he helps him realize his hopes

٣٠. لَعَلَّ العَبدَ يَغلَطُ فِيهِ وَقتٌ
فَيُسعِفُهُ بِإدرَاكِ المَرَامش

31. And aids him against the injustice of deserts
With the roar of a smooth-reined lion

٣١. وَيُنجِدُهُ عَلَى غَولِ الفَيَافِي
بِصهوَةِ وَاخِدٍ سَلِسِ الزَّمَام

32. To bring me the receipt of the construction of a royal palace
Wherein my bones may settle, thanks to his bounty

٣٢. لِيُبلِغَنِي استلامَ بَنانِ مَلكٍ
تُقِرُّ بِفَضلِ نِعمَتِهِ عِظَامِي

33. And I may kiss the dust of his shoes, and so
Fulfill some of my hopes with that dust

٣٣. وَألثُمُ تُربَ نَعلَيه فأَقضِي
بِلَثمِ تُرَابِهَا بَعضَ الذِّمَامِ