
Oh woe to him who settled in the Far West

يا ويح من بالمغرب الأقصى ثوى

1. Oh woe to him who settled in the Far West
While his beloved remains in the Far East

١. يَا وَيحَ مَن بالمَغرِبِ الأقصَى ثَوَى
حَذَرَ العِدَى وَحَبِيبُهُ بِالمَشرِقِ

2. If not for propriety before all people
I would have filled the space between us

٢. لَولا الحِذَارُ عَلَى الوَرَى لَمَلأتُ مَا
بَينِي وَبَينَهُ مِن زَفِيرٍ مُحرِقِ

3. With scorching sighs of longing
Then said to those sighs as they pour forth

٣. وَسَكَبتُ دَمعِي ثُمَّ قُلتُ لِسَكبِهِ
مَن لَم يَذُب مِن زَفرَتِي فَليَغرَقِ

4. Let him who withstands my sighs be drowned
But I feared the punishment of my Lord

٤. لَكِن خَشِيتُ عِقَابَ رَبِّي إِن أنَا
أَحرَقتُ أو أغرَقتُ مَن لَم أخلُقِ