1. I ransom the one whose spittle the misguided desired
So that he may be adorned from the sipping of those who love him
١. أَفدِي الَّذِي أرشَفَ المُقلينَ رِيقَتَهُ
بِحَيثُ حُلِّىءَ عَن رَشفٍ مُريدوهُ
2. We were deceived so we said taste death, he said to us
Had you not hoped for this, you would not have captured him
٢. غِرنَا فَقُلنَا أذِقهُ الحَتف قالَ لَنَا
لَولا تَرَجِّيهِ هَذَا لَم تَصِيدُوهَ
3. This is my forehead facing it while it is slipping away
So if you have any plot, then plot against him
٣. هَذَا جَبِينِي مُوَارىً وَهوَ مُنفَلِت
فإِن يَكَن عِندَكُم كَيدٌ فَكيدوه