
O horses reviving the religion of Islam

يا خيل محيي ملة الإسلام

1. O horses reviving the religion of Islam
Be victorious in every spoil of war and peace

١. يَا خَيلَ مُحيي مِلّة الإِسلاَمِ
فُوزي بِكُلِّ غَنِيمَةٍ وَسَلامَ

2. Trample the lands of polytheism to achieve your purpose
Triumphant, with standards raised high

٢. وَطَإِي بلادَ الشِّركِ مُدرِكَةَ المُنَى
مَنصورةً مَنشُورَةَ الأعلامِ

3. And fulfill therein the promises of its opening
Perhaps it was kept for this year

٣. وَاستَنجِزِي فِيهَا الوُعُودَ بِفَتحِهَا
فَلَعَلَّهَا ادُّخِرَت لِهَذا العَامِ

4. For God, the army of the Caliph whose banners
Are surrounded by success in daring

٤. لِلَّهِ جَيشُ خَلِيفَةً رَايَاتُهُ
مَحفُوفَةٌ بالنُّجحِ فِي الإقدَامِ

5. Their resolves sharpened, their views protected
In negation and affirmation

٥. مَشحوذَةٌ عَزَمَاتُهُ مَعصومَةٌ
آراؤُهُ فِي النَّقضِ والإِبرامِ

6. The angels of heaven raid when he raids
Following him in the best leadership

٦. تَغزو مِلاءِكَةُ السَّمَاءِ إِذَا غَزا
مَأمُومَةً مِنهُ بِخَيرِ إِمَامِ

7. Their essence veiled, the impact of their weapons
By the soul not apparent bodies

٧. مَحجوبة الأعيانِ وَقعُ سلاحِهَا
بِالرُّوحِ لَيسَ بِظَاهِرِ الأجسَامِ

8. So for that the slain is seen but not
Any trace by him of frailty and swords

٨. فَلأجل ذَاكَ يُرَى القَتِيلُ ولا يُرَى
أَثَرٌ بِهِ مِن ذَابِلٍ وحُسَامِ

9. The slain angels have no fleeing for refuge
By cavalry or infantry columns

٩. قَتلَى المَلائِكِ لا كِلى مَفرِيّة
بالسَّمهَرِيِّ ولا قَذالٌ هَامِ

10. And of the wonders that their wounds
Are neither in their bodies nor their shoulders

١٠. وَمِنَ العَجَائِبِ أن تَكُونَ جِرَاحُهُم
لا في جُسُومِهِمُ ولا فِي الهَامِ

11. He left distraction and took to the resolve
That arose from veneration and glorification

١١. تَرَكَ الهُوَينا واستَقَلَّ بِهِمّةِ
نَشَأَت عن الإِجلالِ والإِعظامِ

12. And saw jihad by himself and his money
The most blessed and abundant portions

١٢. وَرَأى الجِهَادَ بِنَفسِهِ وبمالِهِ
أزكى الحُظوظِ وَأَوفَرَ الأقسَامِ

13. So he traveled the horizons filling his land
With towers and his sky with darkness

١٣. فَسَرى بِمِلءِ الأُفقِ يَحشُو أرضَهُ
بِسَنابِكٍ وَسَماءَهُ بِقَتامِ

14. To cover therewith the terrors, impenetrable
To piercing cries or accumulating clouds

١٤. يَغشى بِهِ الأَهوالَ لا يعتَاقُهُ
خَرقٌ سَحِيقٌ أو عُبابٌ طَامِ

15. Assailing here with cavalry marked and there
With engines of war like flags

١٥. يجتابُ ذا بالخَيلِ مُعلَمَةً وَذَا
بِالمُنشآتِ عَلَيهِ كالأَعلامِ

16. From every prayer niche he wore his sword
So I saw scabbard over scabbard

١٦. مِن كُلِّ مِصلِيتٍ تَقَلَّدَ سَيفَهُ
فَرَأيت صَمصاماً على صَمصامِ

17. A lion whose cubs the enemies befriended
The shade of spears instead of tents

١٧. أُسدٌ فَرائِسُها العِدا ألِفَت لَهَا
ظِلَّ القَنا بَدَلاً من الآجامِ

18. So I yearn for the covenant of victory hoping from it
The opening of its Iraq and Levant

١٨. فأني رِباط الفَتح مَرجُواً لَهُ
مِنهُ افتتاحُ عِراقِها والشّام

19. He cast Andalusia into the tumult of his resolve
A serene forehead of blessed inventiveness

١٩. ألقى بِأَندلسٍ كَلاكِلَ عَزمِهِ
طَلقَ الجَبين مُبارَكَ الإلمَام

20. Thus he protected the sanctity of the true Hanifi faith
Which ceaselessly repels and defends

٢٠. فحمى حِمَى الدين الحنِيفِّي الَّذي
ما زال يَدفَعُ دونَهُ ويُحامِي

21. Until he established for the age and its people
Blessings more wondrous than the days' events

٢١. حَتَّى أَدامَ عَلَى الزَّمَانِ وَأهلِهِ
نِعَماً تَبَزُّ حوادث الأيَّامِ

22. And endowed them so enriched them that their security became
Two securities from loss through it and sanctuary

٢٢. وَحَبَا فأَغنَاهُم فَأصبَحَ أمنُهُم
أمنَينِ مِن عُدمٍ بِهِ وَحِمامِ

23. So may God reward the strengthener of the faith of His Prophet
With gardens of bliss and the abode of eternity

٢٣. فَجَزَى الإِلَهُ مُعِزَّ دِينِ نَبِيِّه
جَنّاتِ رضوانٍ وَدَارَ مُقَامِ

24. And decree for him victory over his enemies
And grant him in fortune all his wishes

٢٤. وَقَضَى لَهُ بالنَّصرِ فِي أعدَائِهِ
وَأنَالَهُ بالسَّعدِ كُلَّ مَرَامِ

25. O son of the imams from glorious Mudar
Who established the stations of unwinding and pilgrimage

٢٥. يَا ابنَ الأَئِمّةِ مِن مُضَرَ الأُلَى
نَصَبُوا مَنَازَ الحلِّ وَالإحرَامِ

26. From Qais Ailan who by their guidance
Strengthened the bonds of Islam's piety

٢٦. مِن قَيسِ عَيلانَ الذِينَ بِهَديِهِم
شُدَّت عَلَى التَّقوَى عُرَى الإِسلامِ

27. Quenching with their strength and steel in war
The embers of idol worshippers

٢٧. المُخمِدونَ بجدّهِم وَحَديدِهِم
في الحَرب جَمرَة عُبّدِ الأصنَامِ

28. And feeding when years grew lean
And doing good as guarantors of orphans

٢٨. والمُطعِمونَ إِذِ السِّنونَ تَتابَعَت
والمُحسِنونَ كَفَالة الأَيتامِ

29. They approved and you were approved so they garlanded you for their knowledge
Censuring the affairs of mankind, blaming detractors

٢٩. طابُوا وَطِبتًَ فَقَلَّودك لِعِلمِهم
أمرَ الأنامِ ملامةُ اللَّوَّامِ

30. And you heeded what they entrusted you, diligent and not
Taking from it the blame of blamers

٣٠. وَرَعَيتَ ما استَرعَوكَ مُجتَهِداً وَلَم
تَأخُذكَ فيهِ مَلامَةُ اللَّوامِ

31. When you returned from jihad and heralded
With your army's return the pens' tongues

٣١. لَمّا قَفلتَ منَ الجِهَادِ وَبَشّرَت
بإِيابِ جَيشِكَ ألسُنُ الأَقلامِ

32. Valencia sent to you a delegation for all
Its bleeding youth and boys

٣٢. بَعَثَت بَلَنِسيةٌ إلَيكَ بِوَفدِهَا
عَن كُلِّ مُحتَنِك بِهَا وَغلامِ

33. Seeking your mercy for its people
And rains of favor pouring down

٣٣. مُستَنزِلينَ الرُّحمَ مِنكَ لأهلِهَا
مُستَمطرِينَ سَحَائِبَ الإِنعَامِ

34. They lifted their plea to you and conveyed
The fondest greetings and peace

٣٤. رَفَعُوا ضَراعَتَهُم إِلَيكَ وَبَلّغُوا
عَنهُم أبَرَّ تَحِيّةٍ وَسلام

35. Seeking fulfillment of the promised victory
To attain all wishes

٣٥. مستنجزين مواعِد النَّصرِ الَّتِي
وُعِدوا بِهَا مِن نَيلِ كُلِّ مَرَامِ

36. And repeating kisses on the hand that
Saves those kissing it from annihilation

٣٦. وَمُعَأوِدينَ اللّثمَ في يَدِكَ الَّتِي
تشفى مُقبِّلها مِنَ الإِعدَامِ

37. So congratulate the Commander of the Faithful on a conquest
That chastened your enemies' skulls with pounding

٣٧. فَأهنأ أمِيرَ المُؤمنِينَ بِغزوَةٍ
خَصّت أنوفَ عِداك بالأرغامِ

38. It left the lands of unbelief darkened by what
It dispelled from them of the darkness of faithlessness

٣٨. تَرَكَت بلادَ الكُفرِ مُظلمَةً بِما
أَجلَت عَنِ الإِيمَانِ مِن أظلامِ

39. And the trustee of God cries out with guidance
And loosens every pillar of paganism with the sword's edge

٣٩. وَأسلَم أمينَ اللهِ تَصدَعُ بِالهُدى
وَتَلِي بِحَدِّ السَّيفِ كُلّ عُرامِ

40. When it commences with the good fortune of your ancestor a request
The destinies guarantee its completion

٤٠. وَإِذَا ابتدأت بِسَعد جدّك مَطلَباً
كَفَلَت لَكَ الأَقدَارُ بِالإتمَامِ

41. And devote yourself to protecting calm and world together
In bliss unceasingly attached to permanence

٤١. واخلُد لِحِفظِ الِّينِ وَالدُّنيَا مَعاً
في غِبطَةٍ مَوصولَةٍ بِدَوَامِ