
I sleep while the mixture has cleared, its taste lingers,

أنوما وقد بان الخليط تذوق

1. I sleep while the mixture has cleared, its taste lingers,
And the house seems, as fair ladies claim it to be, sweet,

١. أنَوماً وَقَد بَانَ الخَليطُ تَذُوقُ
ودار كزعم العادلات مذيق

2. Your phantom was gifted to me by longing,
Did a cloud conceal it or did the dawn reveal it?

٢. وَهَبكَ التَمَست الطَّيفَ مِن السُّها
أرَدّاهُ غَيمٌ أم جلاهُ شُروقُ

3. And who can compete with shooting stars in their orbits,
When desire propels them toward the setting place?

٣. وَمَن ذَا يُجَارِي الشُّهبَ فِي حَلَبَاتِهَا
إذا حَثّها نَحوَ المَغِيبِ خَفوقُ

4. Every ardent longing and fervent yearning,
Leads a gaze to the lips of the beloved and makes it yearn,

٤. لَقَد سَاقَ نَحوِي كُلّ سُهدٍ وَلَوعَةٍ
بُرَيقٌ إلَى ثَغرِ الحَبِيبِ يَشوقُ

5. It flowed after the streaks of gray in the darkness of nightfall,
Dyeing the cheek of the night with its dripping,

٥. سرَى بَعد وخطِ الشَّيبِ في لِمّةِ الدُّجَى
يُخَضّبُ فَودَ اللَّيلِ مِنهُ خَلُوقًُ

6. It abandoned me and turned away, hiding and playing hard to get,
As pulses beat under the breasts,

٦. جَفَا وَصَفا فَاعتَزّ واكتنّ لَاعِباً
كَمَا نَبَضَت تَحتَ البَنانِ عُرُوقُ

7. Its fragrance roamed the musk of darkness,
As ruby melted above ambergris,

٧. وَجَالَ عَلَى مِسكِ الظّلامِ عَبِيرُهُ
كَمَا ذَابَ فَوقَ الآبنوسِ عقيقُ

8. My eyes are where it is, my tears its place,
It's no wonder that clouds pass by its lightning,

٨. أَامرِي بِهِ طَرفِي مَحَلٌ مَدامِعِي
وَلا غَروَ أَن تَمرِي الغَمَامَ بُرُوقُ

9. I'm fitting for lightning from the side of passion,
And the searing heat of the north wind suits me,

٩. وََإنِّي بِشَيمِ البَرقِ مِن جَانِبِ الحِمَى
وشمّ الصّبا مِن حَرِّه لَخَلِيقُ

10. I remembered it when I was a youth,
And when my branch was supple among the boughs,

١٠. ذَكَرتُ بِهِ الأحبًابًَ إذ أنَا يَافِعٌ
وإذ غُصُنِي لَدنُ الفُرُوعِ وَرِيقُ

11. And when I was deluded by ignorance in love,
And my vitality in liveliness was profound,

١١. وَإِذا أنًا مَغرورٌ عَلَى الجَهلِ فِي الهَوَى
وَشَأوُ ارتِكَاضِي في النََّشَاطِ عَمِيقُ

12. And when my resolve turned to other than its resolve,
And I was not seized upon my path,

١٢. وَإِذ هِمَّتِي تُثنَى إلى غَيرِ هَمِّها
وَلا أنا مأخُوذٌ عَلَيَّ طَرِيقُ

13. And nothing but what I want and desire,
And no barrier to that obstructed me,

١٣. ولا شَيءَ إلا مَا أُرِيدُ وَأشتَهِي
ولا عَائِقٌ مِن دُونِ ذَاكَ يَعُوقُ

14. So be kind from a past time that's gone, for it
Was a brother to joining the beautiful ladies,

١٤. فَجُوزيَ خَيراً من زمَانٍ مَضَى بِهِ
أخٌ لِوِصَالِ الغَانِيَاتِ شَقِيقُ

15. For if I don't pursue it ardently and woefully,
Isn't that nothing but coldness and undutifulness?

١٥. فَإن أنَأ لَم أُتبِعهُ لَهفاً وَعَبرَةً
فَمَأ تِلك إلا جَفوَةٌ وَعُقُوقُ

16. I'm suited for the waters of play and vanity and youth,
And the waters of my affairs after it are bitter,

١٦. وَإِني لِمَاءِ اللّهوِ والزَّهوِ وَالصِّبَا
وَمَاءِ شُؤُونِي بَعدَه لَمُرِيقُ

17. So find its exhalation like my name Ali, ardent,
And find the description of my heart to be burning,

١٧. فَوجدِي بِهِ كاسمِي عَلِيٌّ زَفِيرُه
وَجَدِّيَ مِن نَعتِ الفُؤَادِ حَرِيقُ

18. And better than the memory of a youth I've folded up,
Is praise spreading through the horizons,

١٨. وَأحسَنُ مِن ذِكرَى شَبَاب طَوَيتُهُ
ثَناءٌ بآفاقِ البلادِ طَلِيقُ

19. With it, a reproacher wallows beneath the canopy,
Selling to them pearls of speech and necklaces,

١٩. تَخُبّ بِهِ تَحتَ الرُّوَأةِ نََائِبٌ
عَلِيهنَّ من دُر الكلام وُسُوق

20. Traveling with it east and west, for its habit,
Is constant departure, text, and undertaking,

٢٠. تَسيرُ بِهِ شَرقاً وَغَربا فَدَأبُهَا
رَحيلٌ وَنَصٌّ دَائِم وَخَِفيقُ

21. I greet with it from Yusuf's face a kiss,
I yearn for receiving it and desire it,

٢١. أحَيّي بهِ مِن وَجهِ يوسُفَ قِبلَةً
أحنُّ إلَى استِقبالِها وَأتوقُ

22. With it, the hope that prays toward its prayer niche,
For with it, pain from other than it wakes me,

٢٢. يُصلِّي إلَى مِحرَابِهَا الأمَلُ الَّذِي
بِهِ ألمٌ من غَيرِها فيُفِيقُ

23. It keeps the night shining white, advising,
And the sun of morning for it appears and surpasses,

٢٣. مَحيّاًَ يُعِيدُ اللَّيلَ أبيَضَ ناصِحاًَ
وَتَبدُو لَهُ شَمسُ الضُّحَى فَيَفُوقُ

24. Gazing upon the saddlebags of loftiness, it has never ceased to have,
For all dangerous roads, the routes,

٢٤. مَطِلٌّ عَلَى نيقِ العلا لم يًَزل لَهُ
بِكُلِّ فِجاجٍِ المعلًُواتِ طَرِيقُ

25. When it walked or traveled with purpose and resolve,
A sharp sword was unsheathed and an elegant sword was drawn,

٢٥. إِذَا صالَ أو سارَ انتِقاماً وَعَزمَةً
تَجَرّدَ صَمصامٌ وَصالَ فَنيقُ

26. It aims from its opinions an arrow of wit,
For it, the shots of dilemmas are feathered,

٢٦. يُسدِّدُ مِن آرائهِ سَهمَ فِطنَةٍ
لَهُ من رَمَايا المُشكلاتِ مُرُوقُ

27. With it, during slow times, an arrow flies,
And after composure, it spurs wakefulness,

٢٧. تَطيرُ بِهِ حِين البهديهَةِ قُذّةٌ
وَيَحفِزه بَعدَ الرَّوِيَّةِ فُوقُ

28. And however much a subtle meaning seems obscured,
Reflection in the clouds makes it clear to it,

٢٨. وَمهمَا يَغص معنًى دقيقٌ يحيلُه
عَلَيه افتِكَارٌ فِي الغُيُومِ دَقيقُ

29. And it tasked the days with generosity of swordplay,
A call to the chiefs of troubles to be satisfied,

٢٩. وَوَكّلَ بالأيام من فَضلِ سَيبِهِ
نَدىً لِفُتوقِ النّائباتِ رَتُوقُ

30. We thought from its excessive generosity that we,
For it, have wealth inheritance and rights,

٣٠. ظَنَنّا بِهِ من كَثرة البذلِ أنّنا
لَنا إرثُ مالٍ عِندًَهُ وحُقوقُ

31. A pillar, a pillar in praises and loftiness,
And a temptation with the daughter of honorable deeds, alluring,

٣١. عَمِيدٌ عَمِيدٌ بالمَحامِدِ والعُلَى
وَمُغرىً ببنتِ المَكرُمَات مَشُوقُ

32. Its dwelling an endowment for aid and villages,
One caravan departs as another caravan travels,

٣٢. مَنَزِلُهُ وَقفٌ عَلَى الزَّدِ والقِرى
يَحُلُّ فَرِيقٌ إِذ يَسِيرُ فِريقُ

33. So its dowry for you is an unsullied virgin,
For its chastity, beyond people, genuine,

٣٣. فدونَكَها بِكراً مُوَفّىً صَدَاقُهَا
بِعُذرَتِها دونَ الأنامِ حَقِيقُ

34. For it, authority over speech, obedience,
And on the day of ode, a pedigreed lineage,

٣٤. لَهَا إمرَة عندَ الكلامِ مُطاعَةٌ
وَمُنتَسَبٌ يَومَ القَرِيضِ عَرِيقُ

35. So it made holidays happy, the one who increased their beauty,
With your face, for as long as darkness turned away from the rising sun,

٣٥. فَهَنَّأكَ الأَعياد مَن زادَ حُسنَها
بِوَجهِك مَا وَالَى الظَّلامَ شُرُوقُ

36. No journey to you failed to travel,
Nor any market for praise in your presence ever closed,

٣٦. فَما أَخفَقَت لِلسَّفرِ نَحوَكَ رِحلَةٌ
وَلا كَسَدَت لِلحَمدِ عِندَك سوقُ