1. My children, be guided in what I was guided
The most honorable of people is one who guides
١. بَنِيَّ اِهتَدوا في ما اِهتَدَيتُ سَبيلَهُ
فَأَكرَمُ هَذا الناسَ مَن كانَ هادِيا
2. I was heedless for a time, not knowing what guidance was
And that was straying from my own straying
٢. عَنَيتُ زَماناً لَستُ أَعرِفُ ما الهُدى
وَقَد كانَ ذاكُم ضَلَّةً مِن ضَلالِيا
3. But when God wanted to guide me and draw me near
He illuminated for me the path of truth and guided me
٣. فَلَمّا أَرادَ اللَهُ رُشدي وَزُلفَتي
أَضاءَ سَبيلَ الحَقِّ لي وَهَدانِيا
4. So I cast off error for guidance and righteousness
And set out towards the manifest Hanifiyya
٤. فَأَلقَيتُ عَنّي الغَيَّ لِلرُشدِ وَالهُدى
وَيَمَّمتُ نوراً لِلحَنيفَةِ بادِيا
5. And I came to Jesus son of Mary as a guide
Upright, so the Messiah called me a disciple
٥. وَصِرتُ إِلى عيسى بنُ مَريَمَ هادِيا
رَشيداً فَسَمّاني المَسيحُ حَوارِيا
6. My children, fear God who is your Lord
Blessed you are through Him in what He blessed and guided me
٦. بَنِيَّ اِتَّقوا اللَهَ الَّذي هُوَ رَبُّكُم
بَراكُم لَهُ فيما بَرا وَبَرانِيا
7. That we may worship Him alone without any partners
To ward off trials through Him and calamities
٧. لِنَعبُدَهُ سُبحانَهُ دونَ غَيرِهِ
لِنَستَدفِعَ البَلوى بِهِ وَالدَواهِيا
8. And believe in the Gospel and the scriptures
Through which those who recite revelation are guided
٨. وَنُؤمِنَ بِالإِنجيلِ وَالصُحُفِ الَّتي
بِها يَهتَدي مَن كانَ لِلوَحيِ تالِيا
9. My children, I accompanied people and then came to know them
The best of them I found were the most aware
٩. بَنِيَّ صَحِبتُ الناسَ ثُمَّ خَبِرتُهُم
فَأَفضُلُهُم أَلفَيتُ مَن كانَ واعِيا
10. And I found their elders of status and position
Upright, forbidding indecency and slander
١٠. وَأَلفَيتُ أَسناهُم مَحَلّاً وَمَنصِباً
رَشيداً عَنِ الفَحشاءِ وَالإِفكِ ناِهِيا
11. And I found their fools with every chieftain
Misleading, making the clan go astray
١١. وَأَلفَيتُ أَوهاهُم لَدى كُلِّ أَمرَةٍ
مُضِلّاً لِتَضلالِ العَشيرَةِ غاوِيا
12. My children, safeguard the rights of your neighbor
And do not fail in recurring kindnesses
١٢. بَنِيَّ اِحفَظوا لِلجارِ واجِبَ حَقِّهِ
وَلا تَسلِموا في النائِباتِ المَوالِيا
13. And kindle the flames of hospitality
So the guest who arrives finds warmth
١٣. وَشُبّوا عَلى فَرعِ اليَفاعَةِ نارَكُم
لِيَأتيها الضَيفُ الَّذي باتَ سارِيا
14. And do not initiate war against those
Who have not been hostile and oppressive
١٤. وَلا تَبدأوا بِالحَربِ مَن لَم يَكُن لَكُم
مِنَ الناسِ لِلعُدوانِ وَالظُلمِ بادِيا
15. And whatever you sow, my children, it
Will reap one day what was planted wholesome
١٥. وَمَهما اِزدَرَعتُم يابَنِيَّ فَإِنَّهُ
سَيُحصَدُ يَوماً بَذرُ ما كانَ زاكِيا