
O father of the sea and the days are cutting

إيه أبا البحر والأيام قاطعة

1. O father of the sea and the days are cutting
And longing tires between the soul and the soul

١. إيهٍ أَبا البَحرِ وَالأَيّامُ قاطِعَةٌ
وَالشَّوقُ يَتعَبُ بَينِ النَّفسِ وَالنَّفسِ

2. For missing you I have sorrows in which I stayed up
As if I am putting my palms on embers

٢. عِندي لِفَقدِكَ أَوجالٌ أَبيتُ بِها
كَأَنَّني واضِعٌ كَفّي عَلى قَبَسِ

3. No blame if I did not give light
Until you extend to it the palm of the lighter

٣. وَلا مَلامَةَ إِن لَم أُهدِ نَيِّرَةً
حَتّى تَمُدَّ إِلَيها كَفَّ مُقتَبِسِ

4. I used to confide the secret of longing in turtledoves
But I feared it would transgress on the turtledoves

٤. قَد كُنتُ أُودِعُ سِرَّ الشَّوقِ في طُرُسٍ
لَكِنَّني خِفتُ أَن يَعدو عَلى الطُّرُسِ