
O you who brings sorrow to men, Tariq,

يا للرجال لطارق الأحزان

1. O you who brings sorrow to men, Tariq,
And you, mature Wassnan, son of Tufayl,

١. يا لِلرِجالِ لِطارِقِ الأَحزانِ
وَلِعامِرِ بنِ طُفَيلٍ الوَسنانِ

2. His tribe's leadership was once for Muharraq
Then later it became Nu'man's to avail,

٢. كانَت إِتاوَةُ قَومِهِ لِمُحَرِّقٍ
زَمَنالً وَصارَت بَعدُ لِلنُعمانِ

3. I counted all the ships of Hawazin
As greater than me, so I came with a bail,

٣. عَدَّ القَوارِسَ مِن هَوازِنَ كُلِّها
فَخراً عَلَيَّ وَجِئتُ بِالدَيّانِ

4. Now I have the firm, noble lineage through my father
Who begot me, of mighty Dasa'a, it did not fail,

٤. فَإِذا لِيَ الشَرَفُ المَتينُ بِوالِدٍ
ضَخمِ الدَسيعَةِ زانَني وَنَماني

5. O Uncle, you are a horseman of might
Whose youth rivals Nada and Qayan the hale,

٥. يا عامِ إِنَّكَ فارِسٌ ذو مَنعَةٍ
غَضُّ الشَبابِ أَخو نَدىً وَقِيانِ

6. And know, son of the horseman Qurzul,
You fall short of whom you strive for and hail,

٦. وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّكَ يا اِبنَ فارِسِ قُرزُلٍ
دونَ الَّذي تَسعى لَهُ وَتُداني

7. The horsemen of Aamir are not pleased
With you excelling them, among Ghailan's tale,

٧. لَيسَت فَوارِسُ عامِرٍ بِمُقِرَّةٍ
لَكَ بِالفَضيلَةِ في بَني غَيلانِ

8. So if you meet the brave Hammas and Malik
And Banu Dibab and the family of Qanan the pale,

٨. فَإِذا لَقيتَ بَني الحماسِ وَمالِكٍ
وَبَني الضِبابِ وَحَيِّ آلِ قَنانِ

9. Ask about the man whose name is renowned
Who drove the enemies away from Najran the frail,

٩. فَاِسأَل عَنِ الرِجلِ المُنَوِّهِ بِاِسمِهِ
وَالدافِعِ الأَعداءَ عَن نَجرانِ

10. Al-Maqadas is given, among his tribe's horsemen,
Generosity - by your life! And magnanimity prevails in Yemen.

١٠. يُعطى المَقادَةَ في فَوارِسِ قَومِهِ
كَرَماً لَعَمرُكَ وَالكَريمُ يَِمانِ