1. The fool was angered when I jested with him,
How would it have been if we had mentioned the mop,
١. غَضِبَ الأَحمَقُ إِذ مازَحتُهُ
كَيفَ لَو كُنّا ذَكَرنا المَمرَغَه
2. Or mentioned that he was playing with it,
The game of seriousness with the jest of tickling.
٢. أَو ذَكَرنا أَنَّهُ لاعَبَها
لُعبَةَ الجِدِّ بِمَزحِ الدَّغدَغَه
3. May God blacken his face with five marks,
The likes of muddy clay of lizard holes,
٣. سَوَّدَ اللَهُ بِخَمسٍ وَجهَهُ
دُغُنٍ أَمثالِ طينِ الرَدَغَه
4. With flat noses and daughters of toads,
And those from whom frogs burst out.
٤. خُنفُساوانِ وَبِنتا جُعَلٍ
وَالَّتي تَفتَرُّ عَنها وَزَغَه
5. He criticizes poetry even if you admonish him,
In a field he says this is linguistics.
٥. يَكسِرُ الشِعرَ وَإِن عاتَبتَهُ
في مَجالٍ قالَ هذا في اللُغَه